Chapter Nineteen: Into the Shadows

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A Star's Descent

By evolution-500

Disclaimer: House of the Dead and Resident Evil are properties belonging to SEGA and Capcom respectively. I do not own any of these characters.

Chapter Nineteen: Into the Shadows

For Enrico Marini, the way back to the foyer was a long one. He was doing everything he could to ignore the headache that he was having.

Hoo boy, and what a headache!

What were the odds of Wesker having a goddamned son?

Not only does Wesker have a kid, but now one of the old cases is being called into question.

'God I could use some aspirin right about now,' he thought.

And a large bottle of scotch.

'Get your shit together, Marine,' he growled mentally, clutching onto the shotgun like it was a crucifix.

Entering the foyer, the survivors uneasily glanced around as they followed him down the stairs, stopping right where the portrait had been.

Staring down the gaping black abyss, Aiken looked uneasily over to Marini.

"What are we doing here?"

"Looking for an exit, Richard," Marini said tiredly. Having found nothing resembling either a radio or an escape route at that damned church, the only thing that seemed to hold some promise as far as escapes go was that path hidden behind the portrait. It was risky – – with Forest and the grenade launcher missing, the survivors were now in a considerably more vulnerable position.

Handing the shotgun to Aiken, he removed his sidearm from his holster. Signaling for him to proceed, Marini watched as he disappeared downward, then gestured to Coen and the albino.

Giving his books to Rebecca, who tucked them into her backpack, the latter straightened himself up and shrugged off his sling.

Looking back to the medic, he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand it."

She frowned.

"Just be careful with that shoulder."

Nodding, the albino then followed after Coen.

When Marini turned to look at her, he gave a wave, gesturing her to follow.

* * * * *

When she tried to move, Rebecca found herself unable to. Though she had made sure to not make it evident, part of her was actually trembling, her legs especially. It felt like they were going to crumble at any moment. Rebecca tried reasoning that she was being foolish, but the truth of the matter was that she was afraid of going down. Any number of things could happen. What if the door suddenly shut, leaving them stranded in darkness? Would they be able to find a way out? What made her especially nervous, though, was what lurked below. What would they find? Would there be a way to open the front doors? Were hordes of infected laying in wait for them? Or was there some other, more horrible secret that Umbrella had kept hidden beneath?

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the Shadow knows.

As if sensing what she's thinking, Marini's expression softened, "You don't have to come if you don't want to. We have no way of knowing what's down there."

Her resolve came when she heard that.

"I'll be alright, Captain," Rebecca said.

"Then it's settled," Marini said.

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