Chapter Seventeen: Unbound

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A Star's Descent

By evolution-500

Disclaimer: House of the Dead and Resident Evil are properties belonging to SEGA and Capcom respectively. I do not own any of these characters.


Chapter Seventeen: Unbound

"It's okay, rookie," Aiken assured. "It's okay."

Rebecca panted, wiping away her tear-stained cheeks. "Is it-is it dead?"

"Oh, it's dead alright. Nice job."

Turning back to the skewered beast, she gawked. "Oh God, I didn't...I didn't even mean to-"

"Don't dwell on this too much, rookie," Marini advised. "Just consider yourself lucky and leave it at that. Trust me, it's better you than that thing."

"Amen," Aiken nodded.

When she opened her mouth to respond, a groan interrupted her thoughts as she and the others caught sight of Star as he climbed up to his feet and quickly limped toward the church.

"WAIT!" Rebecca shouted.

"STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" Marini demanded.

Their cries fell on deaf ears as Star's bleeding form disappeared behind the door.

Aiken fumed. "Goddamn pain in the-"

"He's injured, he won't get far," Coen commented.

Marini checked his weapon. "Let's get him before he bleeds out."

Rebecca followed her teammates when she noticed Forest lingering behind.

"Aren't you coming?" she asked, causing the others to momentarily pause.

Forest didn't answer.


"What's going on?" Marini asked.

"Forest won't come."

The Bravo Captain scowled. "Forest?"

The subordinate refused to move, not even bothering to respond.

Rebecca shifted nervously. "Forest, what's wrong?"

When he failed to reply, Marini growled with irritation. "Do you have a problem with your speech, or is your hearing compromised?"

Rebecca watched as Forest edged away from them, moving several steps back until he stood right next to the electric lamp. The moment he became illuminated, Rebecca felt a slight lump in her throat. Now she understood why he hadn't bothered to answer; his forearms were littered with various cuts that bled freely.

"Oh my God," Coen murmured.

"It got me," the Bravo said quietly.

Marini slowly approached him. "Forest-"

"Get back!"

"Forest, calm down-"


Rebecca stepped toward him. "You need treatment, let me help you."

He shook his head. "I'm a dead man."

"Forest, don't be stupid," Marini said. "Let's get Rebecca to treat those cuts."

"There's no point."

"The hell there isn't!" Coen snapped. "The faster you get that looked at, the better."

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