Chapter Eight: Road to Perdition

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A Star's Descent

By evolution-500

Disclaimer: House of the Dead and Resident Evil are properties belonging to SEGA and Capcom respectively. I do not own any of these characters.

Chapter Eight: Road to Perdition

Rebecca Chambers anxiously sat in one of the passenger seats as she tried to regain control of herself, gazing quietly through one of the car windows at the passing silhouettes outside. It was almost impossible to see anything through the inky blackness of the glass itself. Lightning, rain and wind mercilessly assaulted the Ecliptic Express as it rumbled onward through the moonlit forest, moving at a steady pace toward whatever lied at the end of that long track. To Rebecca, the imagery served to mirror her own turmoil, both at home and in these bizarre circumstances. She felt lost. The incident with the chainsaw-wielding psychotic made the medic realize how close she was to getting killed. She looked at her watch, wondering how long her team had been on the train for.

Ten o'clock. God, it was only ten o'clock! When she left the station by helicopter, it was just a little after seven-thirty. How much horror would she have to endure until she snapped?

The medic's mind drifted to the time before she had left for the station, back at her house.

* * * * *

She had just finished packing her backpack in her room and was getting ready to leave. Several soft taps on her open door caused the girl to turn toward the sight that greeted her. Partially leaning against the doorway was her mother, a woman in her forties with long brown hair with a few curly bangs, dressed in a long, gray pants and a blue sweater.

"Hello, Kitty Cat."

Rebecca smiled. "Hi Momma!" she said cheerfully.

As her parent approached, Rebecca's features faltered for a moment. The long, brown bangs of the older woman were brushed in a way to conceal her left eye, while her hands fidgeted with the sleeves on her sweater in a conscious manner, tugging them down as if afraid the young girl would see her skin. The medic winced at the sight before her.

"Momma, are you-"

"It's fine, Becky," her mother waved. "Just fell down the stairs, that's all."

Rebecca stared at her unbelievingly. "Momma, let me-"

"I'm fine!" her mother said a little loudly, startling the young girl before recollecting herself. "I'm sorry."

The two stood there awkwardly.

"I-I take it you're headed for the police station."

Rebecca nodded.

"I wanted to go early. It's my first day," she explained.

"Would you like to be dropped off?" her mother asked.

The medic swallowed. "I-I'm okay, Momma."

Rebecca watched as her mother studied her thoughtfully.

"You know that I don't approve of you taking this job."


"You can do so much better than this!"

"But I have to!" she replied.

The older woman looked at her.

"Rebecca, listen to me carefully. I know what you are trying to do. You are a wonderful girl, but this is beyond you and me. Those offers from Umbrella and those universities are still available. Take whichever offer is the most appealing. You'll get a good salary. Just move away from this city, from this state and forget about me!"

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