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Jisoo's POV

"You should have seen Jennie's face" Jisoo said slumping her body on my living room couch.

"I know" Rose giggled sitting at the other end.

I decided to hang out at Rose's place for a while. Lisa's been MIA after we met at the café that was later joined by Jennie and Rose with a little surprise from a long time friend of me and Lisa, Faye.

"How's Jen by the way?" I asked reaching for the remote control sitting neatly on the table in front of me.

"She's been doing all sorts of cases lately but nothing too big, she also asked me about that Faye girl" Rose smiled knowingly.

Me and Rose knew back then that there is something going on with our two other friends but of course we really don't dive in too deep. Those two are just lousy as hell at hiding things to the point that whatever they are trying to conceal would just sprung out naturally from there own mouths or actions, its quite comical to see.

"Faye is somewhat Lisa's Fling" I said flicking mindlessly on the tv channel.

"No?!!" Rose softly slapped my feet with her face awe struck

"Yeah. They like went out a couple of times" I said sitting up straight and looking at Rose.

"Why didn't we know about this?" She ask both her hands in front of her mouth

"I found it a bit later as well" I laughed and continued "Faye is an Interior designer, apparently she and Lisa had worked on a couple of projects and I guess Lisa asked her out.

"Our Lisa asked her out? But I thought it has always been Jennie and no one else" Rose said in amusement.

"I don't know either, Lisa just told me how they met and how often they see each other." I said nodding my head

"Could it be that she moved on from Jen?" Rose's expression plummeted

"Maybe or it was just a phase. Lisa was very distant to us that time. She was eagerly avoiding any invitation from us if it includes Jennie" I laughed at how pathetic our situation was back then.

"She tried so hard to forget and let go" Rose whined and I felt a little pity on our friend. She did. She tried shaking it off even pretending to be an alcoholic even if she can only take a few shots before she dies on us.

"She needed closure" I said pouting my lips.

"I thought they talked things out when we were in Boracay" Rose slumped her back on the chair and looked at the random channel on the tv

"They did but Lisa was the only one who confessed, and she thought that was already enough for her to make herself believe that she did moved on already" I said almost catching my breath.

"What if she did move on and Lisa does not need Jennie's part of the story?" Rose asked, she's been rooting for the two silently just like me but the only thing we could do is tease them to each other.

"I don't know, looking at her now. I still believe she's just trying to clown herself into thinking that she's moved on" I laughed lightly knowing Lisa, I am saying everything truthfully.

"Jennie seems to still be very good at this game called hide but no seeking?" I asked and Rose turned towards me with an "I know look"

"They are old enough to own up to there emotions and feelings, why can't they just say things outright and Just see where it goes?" I asked again feeling all stupid because my friends are the dumbest people I know.

Rose's POV

"Hey Rose, have you seen the Trinidad Case?" I heard Jennie asked in frustration.

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