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They say that the sun don't set to those who are about to die.

Lisa is looking up at the sky and her hair is flowing naturally behind her. The intense feeling of being in control at that moment drove her to face what she's been running away from. She need to get a grip and the only way for it to end is to walk gracefully towards her deathbed.

Lisa breathed in the heavy burden she's been trying to carry for the past few months. If she knew this would be her faith, she could have done the easy part of just doing it by herself.

"Lisa" A man who stood tall and dignified spoke.

"Your late" Lisa uttered not facing her guest. The sky was in full burnt orange and the wind smells like gunpowder. She shakes her head, knowing how this night will end for her and how life will go on for others.

"You were just early, excited?" The man laughed, his voice deep and coarse

"I better not be late" Lisa slowly turned around and a barrel of gun was already pointed at her forehead.

"You don't seem to be afraid unlike the last time we saw each other" The man, fully bearded wearing a black suit just like the last time huffed.

Lisa smirked and walk a little towards the gun pointed at her, the tip almost touching her forehead.

"We don't do small talk to people who's about to kill us, remember?" Lisa smiled, her brown orbs looked straight into the man's eyes. She grab the barrel and slightly move it towards her forehead, brushing her bangs sideways as she say "Pull"

The night fell like a needle, unheard, unseen, unknown but once it crawls in and pricks the unwanted victim all of a sudden everything will hurt and the thin line between light and darkness becomes blurry and unrecognizable.

The sound of the rushing ambulance engulfed the busy street of the metro. Two black cars honking as it dodge the populated street, racing to beat the red light and praying that the last breath would be save.

"Code Blue"

The screeching of the wheels and the shuffle of the stretcher as an almost lifeless body was pulled at the side of the road. A doctor sat above the body while the rest push the wheeled bed inside the facility.

"No pulse" The doctor who's face shows panic and her hair disheveled said trying her best to resuscitate the bloodied body under her.

"Chu!" Voices where then heard at the hallway as two girls run for dear life, meeting the black haired girl at the end of the hall.

"What happened" The purple haired girl, taller than the two asked. Her eyes all red and puffy.

"I don't know" They really are not aware that a friend met death in person hours ago.

"Jen" The two suddenly looked behind them as they heard a thud on the floor. Her cheeks were wet and her hands were shaking harshly. She is gripping her blue scarf, her lips quivered at every outburst of grief and pain that shocks her already numb body.

A sight of a stretcher came running pass them and Jennie's sight went slow-mo as she saw Lisa's eyes half close, her mouth slightly open as streaks of blood run down at the side of her lips, her white top covered with dark to almost black blood as her hands loosely hang on the edge of the bed. She was almost if not entirely lifeless.

Lisa's blood is trickling down the bed as the red stain imprints the white tiles of the hospital floor.

"Jen, hold on" Jisoo held her friend who is half conscious on the floor while Rose scrambled inside her bag to help her friend breath.

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