𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞»» 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞!

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You ever get that feeling where you feel like everything's not okay just by seeing or being near one person?

For me, that feeling is Jisoo Kim, the creep that lives next door.

Never speaks, head down when walking, stupid deep voice, stupid bandana, thinks she's cool, acts like she's better than everyone else, is a creep.

Sometimes I just wanna drug her, throw her in a box, seal it tight and kick her to.. Iceland or something!

She's so annoying!


I just finished burying Alice's dead goldfish... which I did not perform my bio project on...

I got a chill when a door tapped shut and I gripped the shovel.

"Please don't be Alice, please don't be Alice.." I still want to beat Jimin, that bitch can't win.

I opened my eyes when I felt footsteps near me.


Chae's devil mind: Just whack her with the shovel and bury her along with Neemo!

Chae's angel mind: No! She's very pretty and captivating. Say hi!


Shut up you m--

"Are you okay?" Oh, the devil is still there. Bravo.

What should I say?

"Yeah I'm good" I shrugged.

She just looked at the shovel, then kicked her foot against it.

"You buried something down there. A fish"

You should have just killed the devil *rolls eyes*

You're the devil a--

"I'll get going, Rosie" She did a lopsided smirk and walked away, tucking her hands in her hoodie's pockets.

She's very hot. Why didn't you say hi?

"What? Pfft. Hot? No she isnt.." I rolled my eyes and they trailed to Jisoo's booty.

Pretty amazing right?

"Shut up Rosia"

Ya know, Rosia does have a point. Jisoo is a chocolate melter

I know right? Just say hi, nicely

"Thing 1, Thing 2, get back in your holes" I ordered and they sighed, mumbled under their breaths and jumped back into my head.


"Uhm who were you talking to?" Jimin asked and I sighed.

"Lucifer and Rosia"

"What and who now?"

"My devil and angel counterparts"



"Really? I'll get the Big Bang box!" Alice hollered and I rolled my eyes in disappointment.

Atleast she hasn't noticed that Neemo is gone.

Speaking of which, you have to buy a new Neemo

The seventh Neemo, to be exact

"I knowww" I whined.


I'm at the pet store but I can't decide what fish to get. Did Neemo six have golden stripes or yellow ones? Or was it sunset yellow?

Just tell Alice you murdered her fish

"Uhm, 'murder' is a strong word Rosia"

It isn't if you're the cause of his untimely demise *judging Rosie*

"I didn't kill him! I slipped on his tail, he had a stroke, had an asthma, fainted and choked!" I yelled hysterically.

Wrong move.

Almost like an instinct, all heads turned in my direction and all questioning eyes were on me.

A woman near me rolled her child away while giving me the stink eye and I rolled my eyes.


Lucifer and Rosia jumped right out after the coast was clear, sitting on my shoulders.

Found the fish yet?

"No, there's so many Neemos.."

"Not really" The angel and devil vanished, as usual.

I looked up to see none other than the human version of Lucifer.


Shut up.

"Why are you here? I mean, why, are you here?" I straightened up.

"I came here to buy drugs for Dalgom. He has a cold" She said deeply. This devil has a deep, if not creepy voice.

"I didn't know dogs could have colds" I gave her a questioning look.

"He does" She said smoothly, the swift movement of her pink tongue falling to escape my eyes.

"Whatever" I reached out to touch the aquarium.

"Pick that one" She voiced out.

This is the first time we've exchanged more than five words at a go.

"Why? He looks nothing like Neemo"

"That's a she"

My eyes widened and my brain spoofed.

"I'm leaving" I tapped at a particular fish and the guy there picked it out for me, putting it in a small plastic bag filled with water.

The creep just gave me an empty stare. I could have sworn she looked at my lips too.

But that's just my imagination, right?

Girl, those were your lips she stared at

That's not angel like!

𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 • 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐮Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin