𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞»» 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡?

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Her eyes widened in horror when she saw me.

Oh no.

I fell out of the tree and landed right on top of her, pushing her to the ground, back first to the floor.

I was catching my breath, the thought of a girl being crushed under me totally forgotten in the moment when she grabbed my shirt. She didn't forget.

"Get OFF ME!" She pushed me off harshly and my hand accidentally hit her head. "How dare you?!" She seethed at me and I just stared at her, smirking evily with a raised brow.

"You buried another fish"


"Who told you that?"

"There's the shovel" She pointed at it.

God I hate her eyes. And everything else too.

I glared at her but she just stared at me, that mischievous stare.


Somehow, we ended up sitting at the pavement. Well, she followed me there.

She's so annoying!

She was also holding Neemo's burial plate in her hand. We left the shovel behind.

Say something nice


Please? Pretty please Rosie?

I squinted my eyes and bit my bottom lip.

She looks kinda.... cute?

"How's Dalgom?"

"He's fine. Thanks" She rasped and I looked ahead of me.

"Tomorrow's Halloween" She said softly, also looking ahead of her.

"I hate it" "I know"

I turned my head in her direction and she also looked at me. "How?"

She looked up at the sky, ignoring me.

"I just do" She said shortly.

See? She's not a b--

Language Rosia

Fuck off Lucifer

My eyes widened in surprise and Lucifer gasped in horror, in my head.

Jisoo snickered to herself for no apparent reason and I studied her side profile.

She turned, catching me and my lips parted.

I noticed she had a cut in her right eyebrow. It's kinda cute.

I smiled a little and she had a ghost smile on her own lips. She leaned back, one of her arms supporting her as she looked up into the sky.

I suddenly felt her warm hand on top of mine.

I looked at her but she seemed surprised, like she didn't do it.

Don't say anything, for the love of God

It's not like I could, I was busy looking into the eyes I hated so much. Those cold electric blue eyes I despised alot. I think I got lost in them today.

Jisoo didn't look away too. She maintained eye contact, spreading her fingers on my hand. I felt a chill but I tried to hide it, but something told me she saw it.

No one was ready to really say anything yet. I.. think her eyes glistened.

I shook my head, breaking the eye contact. She was still looking at me. Her icy eyes seemed to have gone dull a little.

She kinda looks like a puppy.

She looked down, taking her hand off of mine.

"Sorry" She said shortly, more like a question.

"Whatever" I said in a similar tone and she took a deep breath.

"There's a Halloween themed horror room this time tomorrow"

"What about it?" I asked her.

She just sighed and continued looking at the moon.

"Nothing" She rasped and got up.

What are you doing?! Stop her Rosie!

Why? The creepy creep is finally gone.. creep.

But she looks sad..

I looked back to watch the creep slowly go back to her house, which was next to mine, hands stuffed in her pockets and hoodie over her head. Creep.

Stop her..

Nope. I didn't want her here in the first place. And in case you forgot, she nearly crushed my spleen.

So? You deserved it

Since when do you agree with Rosia?

I don't agree with her, I just happen to have the same opinion


I turned back just time for Jisoo's front door to shut and I sighed.

What kind of a person crawls into a tree at night?

A witch?

𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 • 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now