Chapter 14

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**7 years later**

The window unlocks. I open one eye, sleep still messing me up. I sit up and look towards the window. It opens. I hear a muffled voice as a leg comes in through the window.

I turn to my side table and turn on the light, "You know you could have used the door." I look back and see Jungkook halfway in the room, frozen in his spot.

He pulls his head into the room, "Hey Princess, I thought using the window would be easier and I wouldn't wake anyone up." He comes into the room, tripping over the window slightly but catching himself.

I sigh and rub my eyes, "Well mission not accomplished."

He walks over to the bed and gets on it, he crawls over to me and kisses me, "Sorry Princess."

I pulled away from him, "You drank."

He nervously chuckles, "No." His eyes are slightly wider than usual. He gets up off the bed and walks over to the closet, "I just went out with some work colleagues." I pulled the covers off of me and slid off the bed. I walked over to him. He turns to me, "Princess, you should stay in bed."

I rolled my eyes, "Who said that?"

"Your doctor. You're due in 3 months."

I scoff and go into the closet, "People can't tell me what I can and can't do. Also you have lipstick on your shirt collar."

He moves his collar to see, "From what?"

I grab some pajama pants for him. I turned back to him, "Was that new employee one of the colleagues that went with you?"

He thought for a moment then nodded, "She's so fucking annoying." He laughs.

I pull him over to the bed, and sit him down. I take off his tie and then start to unbutton shirt, "I don't want you hanging with her. At all."

He gasps, "I don't. It's the others that brought her, they all want to fuck her. But she doesn't seem interested in any of them."

I pull his shirt off. I point to the lipstick, "She's into you, Bun. She knows you have a wife right?" I hang his tie up and place his shirt in the laundry bin.

He thinks for a second then nods, "Yeah, yes. I told her today when she tried to eat my ear. I said no!" He puts his hands up, "Only my wife can eat those."

My eyes widened slightly. I tap his cheek gently, "That's good Bun. I'm glad you're not a piece of shit even when you're drunk." I stand him up off the bed and undo his pants.

He pulls me into a hug, my bump making it awkward. He lays his head on my shoulder, "The agreement was you don't cheat on me I don't kill the person you cheated on me with. I won't cheat on you Princess."

I tap his back, "Good, because that works both ways." He pulls back a slightly, a wide smile on his face. I sigh, "What now?"

He turns us around and places me on the bed, "Bed time." He kisses my forehead. He goes to walk away but trips over his pants that are now hanging at his ankles. He falls forward, "Ow~"

I sigh and look over at him, "You okay?"

He lifts his hand and sends me a thumbs up, "I'm good."

"Change into your pajamas and then get into bed." He sits up slightly and finishes pulling off his pants over his shoes. I sigh, "Bun, try taking the shoes off first."

He looks up at me and then down at his feet, "Oh." He pulls his shoes off and then his pants come off more easily. He takes the pants that were laying off the side of the bed, where I left them. He slides them on and then gets up. He walks over to me and gets on the bed beside me, "I want cuddles. I worked hard today. You know this whole office job shit is so fucking boring. I don't know how you got me into this shit 6 years ago."

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