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    .・。.・゜✭𝚉𝚊𝚔'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅✫・゜・。.

I spent the entire day in bed. Drowning in my own miserable feelings. I didn't know what else to do. I'm going to have to face the world again soon, a little to soon. How am I going to communicate to my friends? Or anyone in that matter. Am I going to have to text everyone? Write everything down? I don't know.

My phone was buzzing the entire day. I haven't looked at it since that morning, not answering anyone. Which I felt terrible for, I don't want to worry everyone even more. It sat peacefully on my bed side table, making my heart ache more and more every time it vibrated. I'm going to have to tell them what happened at some point. But how? I can't even talk. I have to keep reminding myself that. It's going to have to get some getting used to, but I bet I can do it.

My mom has to be the most worried out of everyone. Every time she came up to check on me she had the same worried expression. She took a day off of work to stay with me, which I really appreciate, but I can't even tell her how much I appreciate her and what she does for me.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize the knock on the front door. I heard a bunch of muffled talking before footsteps came up the stairs. Tears threatened to form in my eyes for the hundredth time today when I heard the voices of my friends from the other side of my door. "Zak? Can we come in?"

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. Oh yeah, I'm mute. I get up, walking over to the door. I slowly open it, immediately being trampled with loads of hugs. "What happened dude? Why didn't you come to school?" Clay asks with a worried expression. I pull up the sleeve of my hoodie to show them all my wrist.

I watch as their eyes grow wide. "Did you wake up with that?" Red asks, mouth slightly agape out of shock as he pointed to my wrist. I shake my head, indicating 'no'. "What happened then?" George asks taking a seat on my bed.

I look around my room. Trying to find something that came help me tell them. That's when I spot my big whiteboard that hung on the wall adjacent from my bed. I pat the bed, non verbally telling them to sit as I grab a whiteboard marker. I started to feel tears forming in my eyes as I wrote my explanation on the board.
They sat there the entire time, watching intently, sitting eagerly on the edge of my bed.

Once I finished I put the marker down on my desk beside the board, pointing to the words on the board. I felt a small tear roll down my cheek as I watched them read. "Shit, dude." Clay mutters in disbelief. I press my lips in a thin line as a response, feeling a slight breeze on my tear soaked face. "I always knew she was a bitch." Red rolls his eyes, getting up to comfort me. I just nod softly, burying my face into his shoulder.

I love my friends so much. Words can't explain how my I appreciate them. They are always there for me no matter what. This situation is a prime example of what they do for me. They know they can't just fix my problems like that, but they always make an effort to make me feel better. They all have over one million words except for Clay. Red having five million, George having six million, and Clay's birthday hasn't come up yet.

"We can at least still celebrate you being able to find your soulmate." George suggests, trying to think of something to get my mind off of the situation. I thought for a second before giving him an eager nod in response. "Sweet! Let's do this!" Clay celebrates, pumping his fists in the air as he walks out my room, earning an excited smile from all three of us.


𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

"Oh yeah, did we tell you there's a new kid at school?" George starts up a new conversation. We were all sitting on my patio, table full of the most unhealthy snacks as we just talked. Well, they talked, I listened. I communicated with them by just texting the group chat.
I shake my head, meaning 'no'.

"Yeah, he has a couple of classes with me. I think he has a couple with you too. You have chemistry with Mr. Williams right?" Red asks me, leaning forward in his chair. I nod my head with a smile. "He seems chill, we didn't really talk to him though. He just gives off that kind of energy." Clay explains, opening a bag of sour gummy worms. I tilt my head in interest.

This whole "not being able to talk" thing has really brought to my attention how I need to just listen more. Normally I'm the most talkative one in our group, and I still am. I texted the group chat a fair amount that night to participate in the conversation, but it's not even close to the same.

That's when I remembered. I pull out my phone, they all watch as I type my message. "Clay, don't you still have a basketball game this Saturday?" I type out, sending it immediately. "Yup, it's a home game." He explains.

Clay has always been an athlete. He's actually pretty popular, I have no idea why he hangs out with us instead of being in the popular cliches. I guess he just isn't that kind of person to abandon their really good friends for some new popular ones. We have all known each other for a couple of years now, hitting it off right from the start. Other then Clay we are all more of the gaming type, he does play every now and again, but not as much as me, George, and Red do. We like to play games like Minecraft, and lots of horror games. It's really fun getting scared together, as well as scaring each other.

I like to find new horror games to show George and Red, then once we get the hang of it which doesn't usually take long we show it to Clay. It's hilarious how scared he gets. Our friend group is just the four of us. We are all more of the chaotic type, always getting weird looks in the halls or in public for being to loud, but we don't care.

"Do you think you'll be able to go to school tomorrow?" Clay asks giving me a sympathetic look. I pull out my phone, sending a message in the group chat. "Yeah, but I would like to find a more efficient way to communicate with everyone." I type. "Yeah, that's going to be hard." George comments, looking up from my message. I give him a small nod in response.

"What if we get you a small portable white board?" Red suggests with a shrug, turning off his phone and placing it facing down on the glass table. "I mean, that could work." Clay shrugs.

The rest of the night we spent just talking. Talking about literally everything. We usually do stuff like that. Get together at night at one of our houses, most of the time mine, and we just talk. There was a slight breeze that was just enough to be comforting, yet make me shiver a bit. The sky was perfectly clear. If you looked up you would be able to see millions of stars, all being completely visible.

I was kind of nervous for tomorrow, not knowing what to expect. Guess we'll just have to find out.

1313 words

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