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.・。.・゜✭𝚉𝚊𝚔'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅✫・゜・。.


It's my birthday. Again.
I can't believe a year ago today I was having the worst day of my life. I just hope this birthday is better than the last.

I feel my phone vibrate on the table beside me. It's a message from Bad.


BAD!!: Picking you up at 1:00

Me: Ok? Is that all yur teling me?

BAD!!: Yup! XD

I can feel a smile forming on my face as I read his message. 12:49. I HAVE NO TIME
"Thank you for the birthday breakfast mom I'm going out with Bad soon"
"You're very welcome, sweetie! I still can't believe you're eighteen already! Ah, stop growing so fast!"
She says, hugging and kissing my forehead.
Trust me, I wish I wasn't growing up so fast too.

I look at myself in the mirror. Do I look good? Is this presentable? While I was contemplating my outfit choice the doorbell rang. I quickly ran downstairs, knowing exactly who was at the door.

Sparkling green eyes met mine as I swung the door open.
"Happy Birthday!"
Bad squeals, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back, happy to have seen him. After New Year things have cleared up between us, which is nice. I guess I was kind of overreacting about the whole thing. I don't even know why, it's like my emotions just decided to take control of my body without my consent.

"Sooo, are you all ready?"
Bad asks, stretching out "so" playfully, a cheeky smile never leaving his face. I nod, curious to find out what he has planned.
"This way."
He says, holding out his hand for me to take. I place my hand in his, my face immediately heating up as he walks me to a car parked in front of my house. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Bad can't drive.

He opens the door for me, and I get in.
"Happy birthday!"
I look over to see Clay in the driver's seat with a big smile. Bad takes a seat next to me, I look over at him for an explanation.
"I will be your personal driver today. Consider this a birthday gift!"
Clay explains instead. I sign a quick thank you with a genuine smile. Bad didn't even have to translate. Clay smiled back, starting up the car.

"Here, I'll give you two a bit of privacy." Clay winks before pulling down a curtain that separated the front from the back of the car. My face immediately goes red as I look over at Bad with wide eyes.
"I did not tell him to do all of this."
Bad explains with a giggle, making me cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.

Around ten minutes later we finally arrive at our destination. Having some clue of where we are, I exit the vehicle. My eyes widen in excitement as a big grin appears on my face.
"Come on!"
Bad excitedly ushers me into the establishment. Bright flashing lights come into view through the glass doors. Old-fashioned arcade games line the wall of the building, even creating rows.

"I found this place online because I know how much you like old-fashioned games."
Bad explains. The place was an '80s throwback' kind of thing, so the carpets were covered in colourful funky patterns, and all the lights in the building were all different colours. The second I finished comprehending the whole situation I knew I wanted to try each one of those games.


"Ten thousand tickets?! How is that even possible?!"
I make an 'L' with my right hand, sticking my tough out at Bad with a giggle. We were competing on who can get the most tickets. I won, of course. I play every single game at least three times since we were there for around three hours.

The second we got up to the prize counter a huge dog plush. It somehow reminded me a bit of Bad. It was fluffy and looked perfect for cuddling. Like Bad. It was almost my height! So it was pretty big. The price tag read 10,000 tickets. I beamed at the big plush dog as I realized I had enough tickets for it.
As it came up to our turn I pointed to the dog, non-verbally telling the clerk I wanted it.

♥︎𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤♥︎ {Skephalo}Where stories live. Discover now