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    .・。.・゜✭𝚉𝚊𝚔'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅✫・゜・。.

It's been another week since I first checked up on him. He still hasn't gone to school, which wouldn't really be the best for his grades- but I made sure to visit him everyday after school. Bringing my work with me to go over it with him, helping him get ready for finals next week. The last week of school is full of last tests that determine our grade. It sucks, so I would hate for Bad to go into it having no idea what was even happening.

It has been pretty challenging this past week, not having Bad with me to help translate. But on the plus side I have gotten really good at fast and efficient writing. Another pro in all of this is Bad seems to be getting better. His smile seems to be growing bigger everyday I go to check up on him, his mood getting better with it.

"Ok imma go se Bad! See u guys tommorrow!" Sadly my writing abilities getting faster does not have a good impact on my spelling. "Have fun," Red says with a teasing wink. I roll my eyes, quickly walking out of the building and to my car.

I had left my homework from the night before at home, not being able to hand it in. Miss Steph didn't seem to mind, but she did give me Bad's work to bring to him. It would be easier if I just went back home to grab it so he could have something to go off of.

As I pull up into the driveway of my house I realize my stepdad's car was also parked outside. I'll just make this quick. I have never really had a good relationship with my stepdad, nor my biological dad. Well, probably because I never met him. My stepdad spends most of his time bar hopping since his job is online. He works as a graphic designer, so he technically only works when clients contact him; which isn't very often anymore.

I pull out my key to unlock the front door, quickly stepping in. All I needed to do was just go up to my room and grab my work. Easy, right? Apparently not. "Where are you going?" My stepdad asks, his voice slurring in and out of real words to inaudible ones. "Upstairs to get my homework" I sign. I did that naturally, forgetting he didn't understand. Since I left my whiteboard in my car. Fuck-

"Why do you use that sign language bullshit! You're not fucking disabled!" He yells. I swallow a big lump in my throat nervously as I turn around, starting to walk away. I couldn't respond without him getting even more pissed for no reason, so what's the point of even being there? "Hey! Answer me!" He screams. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly before turning back around.

For the first time in months I actually tried to talk. And like I suspected, nothing came out. Just silence. So I pointed to my mouth as I continued to try and talk. He just stared at me like I was the biggest idiot he has ever seen. I roll up the sleeve of my hoodie, showing the extremely visible zero on my wrist before quickly walking off. He has never really gotten physical before, never laying a finger on me. He just yells, a lot. Which I have just gotten used to at this point.

I hastily run up the stairs, attempting not to trip on my way up. Quickly snagging my homework off of my desk before running back down stairs and out the door; relieved I actually successfully avoided another encounter with my stepdad.

I get back in my car, letting out a huge sigh of relief before starting up the ignition. A smile spreads across my face as I pull up to Bad's house, quickly gathering my stuff and getting out of my car. I walk up the porch stairs, placing a firm knock on the door.

"Zak!" I hear a cheerful voice call out as the door opens. That was his first time answering the door instead of one of his dads since the little accident thing. I don't even know what you would call it. Just the sound of his voice makes me smile from ear to ear. He step out of the way for me to walk in, but instead I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Im proud of you" I sign after letting go of the hug. A small smile spreads across his face as we make eye contact. Usually I would feel awkward about holding eye contact with someone, but Bad is different. I feel more comfortable doing things with him that I normally would never want to do with anyone.

"Zak! It's so good to see you again!" I hear a deep voice blurt out from behind me, breaking us out of the immense yet comfortable eye contact we were holding. I look over to see Bad's father, Micheal. He's a pretty tall man with dark brown hair and matching eyes. He almost always dresses very formal, when he's rarely not he still talks formal all the time. He's a business man, so I could imagine how that kind of language just sticks with you. "Yeah it's been awhile" I sign back with a smile. "Agreed, it has been awhile since you two have seen each other." Bad says, agreeing but also translating.

"I have been just so caught up with work lately." Micheal sighs dramatically with a slight chuckle. "So, what are you two doing?" He asks with a smile. I look over at Bad, knowing it's no use if I explain it. "Zak was just going to help me with some homework to get me ready for finals." Bad explains with a shrug. Bad grabs my wrist and softly drags me upstairs. "Alright, well good luck with that!" Micheal calls out with an amused laugh at Bad's perfectly normal actions.

This is usually how it goes. One of his dads asks him something that has something to do with me while I'm around, and he just grabs me and drags me away from the situation; face covered in blush. It's kinda cute, and funny.

I smirk in amusement as the flustered brunette drags me up the stairs and to his room. "Ok, now we can start," Bad claps his hands together with a nervous laugh. I smile as I place my work on his desk. "Algebra?! Are you kidding
me-" Bad groans as he falls onto the chair that was beside his desk. I just shrug in response before grabbing a pencil from a little cup on his desk.

1128 words

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