Part 3

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- So, this is my floor. – I said this, trying to give the girl her things in her hands and get my noodles in return, but...

- I'm sorry, Ayanokoji-kun, but could you help me here too? After all, I'm not that strong of a girl, so it's definitely going to be difficult for me to carry all this to my room.

– I understand.

It looks like I'll have to be a courier, deliveryman and porter at the same time, after which I can already leave. I must say that walking with Shiina wasn't tiring or exhausting, but still I'm not used to carrying someone's things like a servant. I hope she won't force me to repeat this experience in the future.

Can I call her my friend? Friends is a really broad term, so I probably can, but that's good, right? Although it would probably be better if I asked her directly about it. I just think it's going to be weird.

As a result, the elevator arrived on the ninth floor, and Shiina and I left it. Her room was at the far end of the corridor, so we had to go there, passing all the other doors along the way. Thank Eris, no one met us on the way, otherwise this whole situation could have caused confusion among other people.

Was it normal for me to enter forbidden territory like this on my first day at school? Not only is this another person's room, but this person is also a girl that I don't quite understand. For some reason, it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

- Here we are. – we finally reached her apartment, where we could disperse.

She inserted the key into the lock and turned it to the side twice, after which the door was opened. The girl entered her room without any delay, and also gestured for me to come inside. This situation seems to be getting stranger by the second.

In the end, I stepped over the threshold and stood at the entrance, and then Shiina alternately took things from my hands that she had bought with her glasses. I just stood there and waited for her to put all these purchased goods on the shelves in the bathroom.

- So, thank you for your help, Ayanokoji-kun– - she came up to me and held out a cup of noodles in my direction. - Please enjoy your dinner. I think I'll see you tomorrow.

- Yes, thank you too.

As soon as she told me this, I thanked her, took my noodles from her hands and went out the door, after which this door was closed from the inside. As a result, I was left alone in the hallway, holding a cup of noodles in my hands. I decided that it would be better for me to get back to my floor as soon as possible and not attract a lot of attention to myself.


When I came to the door to my room, I felt a light, but such an interesting feeling. In front of me was the door to MY OWN room, and I had a key. It seems like something very pleasant, to be honest. I put the key in the lock and turned it twice before the door opened.

Inside, the situation was not very different from what I had seen in Sheena's room. The walls were clean and almost white, there was a minimum of furniture, but that was enough. I looked around the kitchen with all the accessories and the bathroom, which also had everything I needed. The instructions also said that we do not pay for water, electricity and gas. It's really heaven on Earth, isn't it?

In any case, I decided to take a little walk first to buy something useful. I will need to get a shower gel and shampoo, then I plan to buy tea, preferably green, although black is also possible, and then I will have to make sure that my sleep is comfortable.

Whatever you say about the White Room, sleeping there was really very comfortable thanks to two things. First, exhausting workouts where you can die. Second, very soft beds where you can relax. I wanted to buy some very soft pillows and relax, that's what I needed.

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