Chapter Thirty

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I sink lower in the steaming hot water of my bathtub trying to relieve my fever. I know you’re supposed to bathe in lukewarm water, but seriously, who’s going to do that voluntarily?

It’s not a high fever, and I’m pretty sure it’s part of my cold, but it’s still making me miserable. Mom and dad left a few hours ago for a business trip (I didn’t ask for details, you only make that mistake once) and Ryker left for the football game around then as well.

I close my eyes to try and get my head to stop pounding when my phone screeches right next to the tub. That’s helping my headache a lot.

I reach a pruny shriveled hand out of the water and dry it off on the towel sitting next to me before answering the phone.

“Yes?” I ask, my voice still hoarse.

“Hey, the gang is coming over to the house to hang out when the football game’s over, just so you know.” Ryker’s voice cuts through the phone and I can hear screaming and hollering in the background. If I had to guess someone just scored a touchdown.

“When will that be?” I ask, pressing two fingers to my skull. I need some advil or something. Seriously.

“In about twenty minutes or so,” He says, then yells, “Yeah baby! Run the ball!!”

I roll my eyes and lift the phone away from my ear. After a few seconds I put it back. “Thank you for that. I’m pretty sure my left ear has now lost all hearing.”

“Yeah, sorry. Okay, see you in a little while,” He says.

“You know I’m going to infect them all, right? I’m totally contagious, over here…” I love my brother, but sometimes he is honestly an idiot. I mean who invites your friends over when your twin sister has like the Black Death?!

“Just don’t touch anyone,” is all he says before hanging up.

Love you too, bro.



When I get out of the tub, I change into a pair of leggings and my Aeropostale sweatshirt. I pull on some gray ankle socks and throw my now wet hair up into a messy bun.

I probably look completely horrendous, but I completely do not care at the moment.

I walk downstairs and pour a glass of juice and take some medicine before collapsing on the couch. I don’t even turn on the tv, it hurts my head too much.

I hear cars pull up in the driveway, but I don’t move from the fetal position. People tramp onto the front porch, and the doorknob turns. Ryker pushes his way through the door, and I just close my eyes, trying to block out the wave of noise I’m sure is coming.

“…Did you see that pass interference at the second and third?” I hear Tommy ask everyone.

“Yeah, dude that was insane!” Knox exclaims and I resist the urge to put my hands over my ears.

“Hey sis,” Ryker says and sits down next to me, “What’s up?”

What’s up? Did he seriously just ask me that?

I glare at him, “Oh, you know, just skydiving with llamas. The usual.” The rest of everyone starts cracking up laughing, and I groan and pull my hood up over my head blocking out some of the noise.

“I’m going to bed,” I state and unfold myself off the couch and make for the stairs.

Knox runs up next to me, and says, “I need to talk to you.”

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