Chapter Eight (Picture of Katie)

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I hate Katie! It's so awesome! Haha, and Anthony is pretty sweet in this chapter... and Knox is an absolute jerk! I love writing. I'm rambling, lol. Vote and comment, thanks!


I find him making his way to the table and think about how weird this is. I mean, it’s not a huge coincidence. Ryker goes to the only public school in our town, and we do have a pretty small town. I look around at the odd group of people and wonder how Knox fits into the equation. You’ve got Tommy, who seems like the nerd of the group, Beth who’s the shy one, Katie who’s the…annoying one so far, Anthony who seems a bit shy as well, and Ryker who’s pretty popular but not mean about it.

Knox walks up to the group and Katie automatically reaches for his hand and puts a pout on her face. “You’re late and you weren’t answering my texts!” She whines.

“I’m sorry, Katie. I was driving.”

“Knox, this is my sister Rae. Rae, this is Knox,” Ryker repeats for what seems the millionth time tonight. Knox looks up at Ryker and follows his gaze to me. His eyebrows shoot up and his mouth drops slightly. I have to pinch myself to keep from laughing. Katie watches the recognition on his face, and mistakes it for something else because she pulls on his arm and complains, “I’m cold, can I have your jacket?”

Knox slips off his jacket and then returns his gaze to me, and tips his imaginary hat. “Raven, we meet again.”

I half curtsy, “It would seem that way.”

I feel three sets of eyes on me and turn away from Ryker, Anthony, and Katie before I have to see the many layers of colors I know will be there.

Tommy clears his throat, “The movie starts in ten minutes, we’d better go guys.”

We head over to the movie theater inside the mall, and I fall into step with Anthony. We sort of just listen to Ryker and Tommy’s conversation about some basketball game and that’s okay with me.

I notice Knox with his arm around Katie and Ryker holding Rachel’s hand. I feel so out of place here. I wonder if Anthony does too. I sneak a peek at him from the corner of my eye, and see he’s looking at me already. He blushes and looks away quickly. I grin to myself and laugh softly. He glances back at me and starts laughing as well. Maybe this won’t be as bad as I think it will.

I take it back. It is as bad as I thought it would be. But not because of the people (other than Katie, who has somehow managed to step on me in her stilettos, twice!); because of the venue.

I hate movie theaters. Okay, that’s being a little harsh. I don’t like movie theaters, partly because I’m not a movie person. I would so much rather cuddle up with a good book near the fire, than sit in a cold movie theater surrounded by people munching popcorn. I’ve never been one to sit down and watch movies just because I wanted to. Ryker does sometimes, but he’s like me. He would rather read than watch a movie. I can’t even remember the last time I sat down and watched a movie all the way through.

Right now, I’m sitting in between Anthony and Beth watching a movie about robots that take over the world. All I keep thinking is how this would make a good book if they told it a little differently. As it is, it sucks. Completely.

I tug my coat closer as a chill runs through me. Have I mentioned I hate cold? I check my watch and calculate there’s close to a half hour left. I roll my eyes (it’s dark… no one can see) and zone out. I eventually start counting how many times the main character’s eyes change color. I’m up to around fifty when my prayers are answered and the credits start to roll. I breathe in deeply and stand up with the rest of the group.

“What do y’all want to do?” Beth drawled in a deep southern accent. I would guess Mississippi, maybe Georgia. We walk out of the theater and pause in front of the map of the mall.

“As long as there’s food involved I’m there,” Tommy says with a dramatic groan.

“You just ate,” Beth points out.

“Like two hours ago! That was practically yesterday!”

 I chew on the inside of my lip to stifle a laugh. “There’s a Starbucks right here,” I point at the map with my pinky nail. “And there’s a pretzel place upstairs.”

Rachel speaks up, “Starbucks sounds good. I could go for a latte.” Everyone else nods, and Tommy crosses his arms, “There’s no substantial food there!” he whines.

Beth shoves his arm and pulls him with her as we start to walk to the coffee place.

Anthony walks beside me again, and I feel him glancing at me ever so often. “How long have you lived here?” I ask to make some sort of conversation.

“2 years. My family and I moved here from Alaska when my dad got transferred.” He furrows his eyebrows and I wonder if he wanted to move or not. My question is answered when his eyes turn a dark brown. Brown is sadness.

“Wow, Alaska! That’s really neat,” I commented, trying not to run into a toddler.

“Yeah. It was really beautiful out there. How long have you lived here?”

His eyes are yellow (curiosity) and I answer gladly, “I’ve lived here all my life. My parents moved here when they got married, and they’ve been here ever since.” I flick a curl away from me as I speak.

“How far apart are you and Ryker?” I glance over at Ryker holding Rachel’s hand and smile.

“About four minutes.”

His eyes widen in surpise, “You two are twins?! I thought you had at least a year on him! You look a lot older than him.”

I laugh, “Yeah, that might have something to do with his maturity level. Or lack thereof.”

Anthony laughs and I sigh in relief as we walk into Starbucks. I breathe in the smell of coffee beans and winter. The smell of coffee is tied for first place with the smell of books. I never can pick which is my favorite.

I step up to the counter and order a Venti Frappuccino, and try to ignore the stares of the rest of the group. I turn around and notice Anthony with his mouth on the floor. “A Venti?”

I grin sheepishly, “Um, I like coffee?”

Katie smacks her gum and shakes her head (she’s also still on her phone… I mean, there’s nothing wrong with a social life, but you have friends right here…) and purrs, “No wonder you’re so short you poor thing.” Her voice is dripping with false sweetness. I want to slap her so hard I have to dig my nails into my palms to keep myself from doing it.

“At least I’m not a pain in the butt,” I mutter. Ryker raises his eyebrows and I shrug and give him the “I don’t care” look.

Everyone orders and sits down at a table in the corner of the room. We all sip our coffees for a few moments before Beth clears her throat.

“So, Rae. I’ve been wondering all night… and, well…” she trails off. I know what’s coming but I don’t know how to avoid it.


What will she ask Raven? Haha, I'm so mean. Sorry guys... maybe I'll post an update tommorow :) VOTE AND COMMENT! :)



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