Chapter Seventeen

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So, I actually have readers now! Yayyy!! Sorry about the late update, I injured my wrist today, and it's been super hard to type.

Well, thanks for reading!


“Oooo! Look! A cute little boutique!” Katie squeals as we round the corner of Main Street.

“Not again…” the rest of us moan. We’ve been dragged into every shop imaginable in the last hour by Katie. I swear if we go in one more I may shoot someone. And her name starts with K.

“You guys are such party poopers,” she whines sticking her hand on her hip.

“If being a party pooper gets me out of going in there, then sure I’m a party pooper,” I mumble and feel Anthony laugh beside me. We’ve been holding hands since we left the last shop. It’s comfortable… but weird. Probably because I’ve never held hands with a guy before. He seemed really nervous when he reached out and took my hand too. So cute.

Knox cracks a grin as well, which earns him a pout from Katie. “One more store? Please?” She bats her eyelashes and sticks her bottom lip out and I almost hurl in the bushes.

He sighs. “One more store.”

“Yay!! Thank you! You’re the best boyfriend ever!” She shrieks and runs inside. I have to hold back a gag, and I can feel Anthony trying not to crack up laughing again.

I sigh, “Okay, here we go again…”

We walk inside to find Katie with an armload of clothes already.  She shifts her stack when she hears us come in. Clothes move on the racks as she looks for more stuff. I sit down in a corner of the store. Shopping’s not my thing.

Anthony sits next to me, my hand still enclosed in his. Knox sits on the other side of me and we watch Katie breeze through the racks as if it’s an Olympic sport.

All of a sudden, Katie gasps. I’m shocked there’s any oxygen left in the room for the rest of us; I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone gasp so hugely.

“Rae! This would look so cute on you! Go try it on! Go! Right now!” She flings a piece of fabric at me and I wrinkle my nose. Um, no thanks. I appreciate the gesture (is she now being nice to me, or does she love helping fashion victims?) but I don’t do clothes.

“No thanks.” I say and move the article of clothing away from me.

She puts her hands on her hips again (somehow without dumping all the clothes in her hands on the floor). “Go put it on, or I will make you. It’ll go great with your hair color.”

Anthony nudges me in the shoulder, “Just go. She won’t shut up until you do.”

I sigh and stand up, taking the clothing with me. I make my way to a dressing room and shut the door behind me. And that’s when I fully look at the dress.

It’s an emerald green, tight in the bodice, then lying in soft waves at my hips. It’s gathered in one corner, and it rustles as I hold it.

I slip into it, and just stare at myself in the mirror. Katie was actually right. It looks amazing with my hair. I turn around and look at the back, then look at the front, then gape at myself some more. I didn’t even know I could look good in a dress.


I open the door slowly and walk out into the store to show Katie, and to get Anthony’s opinion on it.

“Well, here it is,” I say quietly and hold my breath as everyone turns to look at me. Katie smiles and nods in approval, Knox’s eyes narrow, and Anthony’s jaw actually drops open. Anthony’s turn gold again. I can’t tell what color Knox’s eyes are from where he’s sitting.

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