Chapter Six

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“Rae! Get out of bed! You’re going to be late!” I moan and roll over. Blearily I open my eyes and look at my clock. Shock courses through me like ice as I realize that I have to be at the store in thirty minutes.


“One minute!” I yell, and throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a green flared shirt. I run a brush through my hair and brush my teeth and attempt not to freak out. I hop down the stairs wearing one shoe and trying to get the other on.

I snag a piece of toast, and run out to the truck as Ryker is starting it. I wolf down the toast on the way to the store, and ignore the laughter coming from the driver’s side of the truck.

“Thanks for the ride!” I yell as we pull up. He grins and I run inside, flipping on lights as I go. The store isn’t supposed to open for another thirty minutes, but I still have to shelve a dozen books.

I grab the stack and start shoving them in the approximate places (I’ll fix them later). And then, with fifteen minutes left, I run to the back to brew my morning cup of coffee. On the way to the coffee maker, I flip on the radio, and Train blares throughout the store.

“Hey Soul Sister…” I sing at the top of lungs as I switch the brewer on.

“Ain’t that mister mister…” A voice sings right behind me.

“Eeek!” I spin around spilling coffee grounds as I go.

The stranger stands in the doorway to the “kitchen” with his hands up.

“Sorry!” He laughs. “Your face,” He doubles over in laughter, “You should see it!”

I press a hand to my heart to make it stop beating so hard. “That wasn’t funny.”

The coffee maker spurts and begins making my coffee, and the stranger (who isn’t that much of a stranger… I just don’t know his name) keeps laughing.

I roll my eyes. “How did you even get in here?”

“The door?” He’s wiping tears from his eyes, and I roll my eyes again.

“No, duh. I thought I locked it. Oh, well. Did you come for the list?” I grab a coffee cup and then think twice. “You want a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, I did come for the list. No, I don’t want coffee, thanks.” He sits down in one of the chairs precariously.

“You don’t drink coffee? Well, there goes any friendship we might have had.” I snort as I pour my own drink.

“Oh, darn. And you seemed like such a nice girl,” he sarcastically states.

I grin, “I know, I’m so delightful. Your loss. I’m Rae, by the way.” I stick my hand out and he stands up, extending his own.

“Knox. Is your real name Rae, or is that a nickname?” He asks as he grips my hand.

“My real name’s Raven. But no one calls me that.” I sip my coffee.

“Raven?” He echoes.

“Yeah?” I gulp more coffee.

“Why? I mean, your hair isn’t black,” he states. I mentally curse my parents. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to answer this question, but it’s awkward every time.

“My eyes. They’re black. Even the part that should be colored.” I hold my breath as his own eyes turn yellow for curiosity. He studies me, and I can only hope he looks away before I have to. Because, honestly, I’m not sure I could after what happened last time.  

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