Chapter Eleven

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Hey guys :) Enjoy the new chapter :)


“And so then, my sister takes the pie off the table and throws it in my dad’s face!” I crack up laughing and brush an imaginary tear from my eye.

 Knox and I have been sitting at the store swapping holiday stories for the past hour. He was telling me about the year their dad asked his sister about her recent breakup over Christmas dinner. Apparently there was pie throwing and more than one Christmas present was broken.

“Okay, your turn,” He’s still laughing.

“Hm, okay. Well one year, Ryker and I decided that we were going to cook Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves.” I pause remembering. That was the year my mom was busy at work and couldn’t cook, and my dad was banned from the kitchen (bad things happen when you give my dad a 8 pound bird and tell him to have at it). “We spent a week making the list of stuff to make, we went to the store and got the ingredients and everything was going great.”

I grin and pause for dramatic effect.

“What happened?” He asks, sitting on the edges of his seat.

“Several things. In rapid succession. First, the corn that was in the oven boiled over and created a burning substance in the bottom of the oven. Then the smoke detector went off. And then my bird got loose.”

Knox cuts in my story, “You have a bird?” I nod, “Yeah, her name is Eyre,” I tap my fingers on the chair as I attempt to remember where I was. “So, we’ve got this smell of burning dinner, the fire alarm is screeching, my macaw is flying around the kitchen cawing and eating the stuffing, Ryker is trying to get the smoldering corn out of the oven and I,” I pause snorting and cracking up laughing.

“What were you doing?” Knox asks, between chuckling.

“Um, I was yelling at the smoke detector.” I crack up laughing again as Knox clutches his stomach and practically howls in laughter.

“So what did you do?” He manages to finally ask.

“I pried the thing off the wall and threw it on the ground,” I calmly say.

He starts laughing again, “No, I meant about dinner in general.”

I grin, “Oh. We ordered pizza.”

His face contorts with laughter again, his face making me laugh as well. As I’m laughing something registers, and I realize I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. It feels good.  

I quit laughing and just watch Knox laugh. I’ve noticed he’s at least got four or five inches on me, and he is really rather good looking. Objectively speaking, because I could never date him. Firstly, because I’m dating Anthony… sort of. Secondly, he doesn’t like me. Thirdly, going out with a girl like me would probably ruin his reputation.

His laughter dies down and he catches me looking at him, “What?” he asks defensively.

“Nothing,” I grin, “you just have a cute laugh.”

His smirk is back on his face and he leans back in his chair, “Of course I do. I am a cute human being.”

I throw a throw pillow at him and he ducks, avoiding it, “You wish.”

Right at that moment his phone goes off. He retracts it from his pocket and grimaces. “I have to take this. Sorry.” I shrug and wonder who it is worth grimacing over.

He presses a button and presses the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

I hear a shrieking female voice on the other end. Maybe his mom? He rolls his eyes (which are now pink with disgust by the way) and taps his fingers impatiently on his knee.

“Mhm. Mmk. Can we talk about this later? I’m at a bookstore. I’m talking. Yes with a girl. Yes you know her. Rae. From the mall. Gosh, Katie were you even there? Reddish hair? Ryker’s sister? No, not the ‘annoying’ one. We’re talking Katie. We’re just talking. We’re friends. Calm down.”

 I should have guessed it was Katie. And really? She remembered me as the ‘annoying one’? She needs to reevaluate her annoyance levels if she thought I was annoying. Or maybe she should just spend a day with herself.

“Katie, think about this. Okay. Okay. I understand. Goodbye.” He throws his phone on the table and groans as he runs his hands through his hair. I don’t want to pry, but I sort of want to know what she said about me…

“So,” I clear my throat, “I’m the annoying one?”

He scoffs, “Apparently by her standards. She’s so ridiculous.”

I fiddle with the rings on my thumb, “So, why do you go out with her?”

He closes his eyes, “Actually right now we’re broken up. She just broke up with me.”

Oh. Well that’s interesting. “I’m sorry… I think…”

“Don’t be. She’ll text me in thirty minutes telling me she wants to get back together. The thing about Katie is, she lives for popularity. She’s only with me because it boosts her popularity and makes her look better.” His eyes are still pink.

“Is that why you go out with her?” I ask tentatively.

He shrugs, “I guess. I mean, at my school if you’re single you’re a loser. So, I go out with Katie because she’s popular. I guess.”

“But couldn’t you have your pick of any girl in the whole school? Why her?” He’s lost me.

“I could, yeah. Which is weird, and I don’t know how much I like that. But, basically it’s her because her mom is best friends with my mom, and they would be heartbroken if we broke up. It’s sort of like a family obligation at this point.” He sighs heavily and the wall phone rings. I stand up and walk over to it. I say, “That’s ridiculous,” and answer the phone.


So who's on the phone?? Haha :) Mmk, so I will upload a new chapter if I get 2 more votes and some feedback on this book. 

Again, with the talking to dead people thing. (bring out your dead... clank... sorry Monty Python quote.)

So, vote and comment!

Until next timmme!!


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