Chapter Fifteen

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“Okay, tell me the truth… did you have fun?” Anthony glimpses at me with a concerned look plastered on his face.

I nod vigorously and almost dump my coffee on my lap, making him chuckle. After hanging out at the airport for a while we ended up going to a small coffee shop that was locally owned and downing caffeine. Excuse me, I downed caffeine while he drank a cup of hot chocolate. I was repulsed by my lack of coffee drinking friends, but I had vowed to myself to get him to try it.

“Good, I’m glad.” He says and turns his attention back to the road.

“Did you have fun?” I ask and then gulp coffee. I got up early this morning and I am seriously afraid I’m going to fall asleep. I would die of embarrassment.

Anthony turns the car at an intersection and grins, “Yeah. I really did. You’re pretty funny and awesome.”

I smile softly before returning to my coffee. Telling me I’m funny is really just another way of saying I’m sarcastic but he doesn’t mind. And that’s fine by me.

We pull up to my house and he stops the car and walks around to open my door for me. I have to smile at his chivalrous attitude. He walks me to the door and kisses me goodbye on the cheek. Butterflies erupt in my stomach… but I’m not entirely sure if that was because of the kiss or the fact that I might have a few gallons of coffee in my stomach.

“Can I see you again?” he asks rather nervously.

I tuck my bangs behind my ear and shift the coffee in my hands before giving him a full on hug. “I would love that.” I mumble into his chest and he hugs me back tightly.

“Goodnight Rae.” He smiles and walks back to his car. I stand on the porch and watch it drive away. I watch the road far after he’s gone, the coffee in my hands turning to ice as I search my thoughts.



I boot up my laptop when I get back in my room and throw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I fold myself onto the desk chair and log onto Facebook.

All of a sudden my door flies open. So much for the knocking rule.

“Don’t you knock?” I voice my thoughts irritably.

Ryker just shrugs and flops onto my bed. “So how’d it go?”

I stare at him. “Wow.”

He cocks his head quizzically, “What?”

I shake my head and turn back to my computer, “Normally I’m saying that to you at this time on a weekend. I never thought you’d be saying it to me.” I scroll through my newsfeed. Anthony must’ve made it home because he has a new status, “Watched airplanes take off with a pretty girl tonight. Lovely evening.” I grin and hit “like” and see some comments from guys talking about how he’s way too much of a gentlemen. It wasn’t phrased that way of course. I believe one comment said, “Dude I can’t believe you even got a girl to go on a date with you.” With worse grammar.

“You didn’t actually answer the question though,” Ryker points out annoyingly.

“It was good. Very good.” I turn my music on and throw a hunk of food to Eyre who hasn’t shut up since I walked in the room. Sometimes I swear the bird eats more than I do.

“Did he try to hold you hand? Did he kiss you? I swear if he kissed you on your first real date I will punch him in the jaw at school on Monday.” Ryker sits up so fast he hits his head on my headboard and I bust out laughing.

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