A death to forget

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Gons' POV
We just finished our tour and went shopping for Killuas furniture With knuckle and Zushi tagging along. It started to get a little late so we decided to head back to our dorm. "Gon?" Killua asked as we walked into the room. "Yeah?" I asked shutting the door. "I have maybe out a little late tonight but I'll be back before twelve so don't worry much ok." He said walking to the kitchen grabbing a knife and the cake we just bought. "Don't eat that all ok. " I said ignoring what he previously said.

"I'm serious I will be out a little late. " I looked at Killua he had a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah sure thing " I said chuckling. I took his fork from him and ate the piece of cake that was on it swallowing it I laughed and he pouted.

"That was a damn jerk of a move give it back." Was all that came out of his mouth before he realized what he said. He quickly covered his mouth A Blushing mess and frozen.

"Don't cover your mouth what did you say wrong? " I said with a smirk. He looked at me with an embarrassed look on his face. I removed his hands "I mean't the fork.." he mumbled. I chuckled and pulled him across the counter into a short kiss. I released his hands and went into my room and got into the shower.

Killuas POV
"Why did I fall for you." I chuckled pressing my fingers against my lips "Your really soft we should do this again." I chuckled at the thoughts going threw my head. All the thing s I wanted to do to him and the fact that it was only day three made it even worse. A thought ran threw my head from earlier.

"Hey who's Retz senpai"

"She calls me that but the thought of it disgust me. "

"Oh yeah I have somewhere to be." I said smiling. I dressed in a hoodie and black pants. "Let's see which one should I choose." I thought to myself Looking at all the different types of Torture tools On my table. "Oh my new knife. Where is it?" I asked myself Looking all around the room when I realized I had left it in Gons' Room. I cursed myself out walking to Gons' Room. I put my ear against the door and heard the water still running. "He's still in the shower ok. " I opened his door to see my bag right on the floor. But when I went to grab it One of his knifes caught my eyes. It was white with a light blue tip around it and black in the middle.

Y'all know what a kunai knife looks like Yeah that..

"I like this one" I said grabbing the knife and mine. I quickly exited the dorm when I caught Retz at the end of the Hall. "Hey Retz wait up." I yelled. She turned around and gasped when she saw me. "Yeah sure thing " she said sweetly 'this is disgusting' I said wanting to puke at how nice she was. "Thanks so what are you doing out?" I asked Catching up and walking next to her.

"Nothing much how about you"

"I was gonna go for a walk and get my mind if stuff. "

"Oh really."

"Would you like to join me?"

"Yeah sure."

"Great. " We walked around talking about stuff for about an hour until we got to a bridge. "Hey Killua I want to ask you about something." She said stopping and turning towards me. She was fiddling with her fingers and from the looks of it she was embarrassed. I got slightly angered form this but then she asked something."Im sorry could you speak up I didn't here you"

"I said your friends with Gon right "
I could feel my anger rising as I continued to speak.

"Yeah why?" I asked trying not to show my anger I was gonna kill her right here on the bridge Anyways but then she said something that really pissed me off. "I have liked him for a long time so I was wondering....."

I removed my knife from Its holder and threw it towards her stomach walking towards her .

"I wouldn't make a single move if I were you. Do you seriously think you deserve him. You'll never be more than a worthless slut in his eyes. you've never been obsessed with him, you just love the thought of using him to get what you want. News flash doing that won't get you very far in life you'll end up killed. Hell you're dying right now as we speak. "

I stopping at her. She was holding her stomach trying to remove my knife "Remove your hands from my knife." I spoke loudly bending down she groaned as I pulled it out of her stomach Slowly watching her sit in pain. I grabbed her hair as she tried to remove my hands screaming in pain struggling to remove my hands and failed to do so.

"Let me just tell you something.
I. Am. His. Yandere. An you will never be anything more than someone who was born to be Killed by none other than me. A pathetic little Bitch. "
I whispered into her ear as I slit open her throat. The blood splattering all over me the satisfaction of watching her struggle to get lose. I smiled snapped her neck for extra satisfaction and tossed her over the Side of the bridge.

when I heard Allukas song playing.....

"You were watching me little sister. " I said looking down at the body drowning. I looked up towards the sky

"you were always the psychotic one you had the most satisfaction in This I love you..... "


I said as I walked away humming her song.
Well that's it for this chapter there may or may not be something special in the next chapter. Planning on it but I don't know

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