Someone Special

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It's been Three months since Killua got to Hunters University He's made several friends and I've gotten really close to him. We hangout alot I sometimes sleep with him but I don't mind because he does to. Almost Half the People in our class have gone Missing. I haven't gonna off On anyone but the brown haired girl. Uraraka and that was only because she confessed to Killua like a month after He got here. I'm not really the one to Kill over little things but I really like Killua. He probably likes me too judging by the way he acts.

"GON.." A preppy pink head said. "Yes Mina. "

"First where's Killua?" She questioned. "What for."

"I need to talk to the both of you... " She said pushing me back into my dorm.

"There he is!." She said pushing me out of her way.

"Killua.. Can I ask you guys something" We looked at each other confused then back to her. " Sure " we said with A hint of No.

"Good because I was gonna tell you anyways. Can I Have my sleepover here. Before you say anything Most of us are split up in dorms and you too are the only ones that Stay together In the dorms And other places" she whispered that lasts part.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN. " Killua screamed.

"It means I'm having my sleepover here. Snowflake." I get pissed When Mina calls Him that but she doesn't like anyone Just gossip and The idea of Shipping other people.

"You Too Broccolli Twin. "She calls me that because Me and Zu are so close. And mostly because of us wearing green most of the time. Alot of People have Names for her but nobody dares to us them Except Killua and Bakugo.

"There's No persuading your is there." She chuckled.

" You already know the answer so I'm having my sleepover here.."

"Alright but first who's coming. I don't want Someone I don't Know in my dorm..."

"Me, Bakugo, Kami, Kurapika, Shinsou, and Someone blinder than Adrien."

"Oh so Kirishima."

"No One of my Friends you'll meet them later.."

"Mina who is it I will lock you out and never let you Spill the Tea again.. Remember I can ruin your Entire reputation.. "

"I'm Not Telling And I'm Going To Have It Here." She Basically Yelled.

"FINE!! Alright but only one person." Killua sighed Plopping onto the couch. She was right she gets her way alot She more stubborn than me when it comes to that.

"Alright so That's Killua Me The bakusquad Minus Sero. Kurapika Shinsou Mysterio and I'm just gonna add Someone Special to this group."


" Knuckle and Zushi "

"It's never a party unless it's with Knuckle and Mina The party animals."

"Yeah you better say me."

"Alright then anything else we need to do - Shut UP KILLUA " I growled I know exactly what he was gonna say.

"I wasn't gonna say nothing to you said something."

"Alright Lovebirds We have a place to clean. Your Dorm is a mess. This place is not fit for a sleepover. "

"Y'all can just sleep in my room it's fine."

"Ok still Also were you gonna sleep"

"On the couch." Killua hopped up Like a damn Rabbit. Over the couch and in Minas Face.

"Stay out of my room. Pinky Pie." Killua growled. Mina put her hands up.

"No Promises. "

"No promise no sleepover."

"Ugh Fine." She groaned pushing him aside. "Wait Please Ok can I see it Before the sleepover. " "No" She pouted. "Fine then but we have a room to Clea- HOLY SHIT."


"It's a fucking mansion in here. "

"MINA " I didn't even notice but she wasn't in Killuas Room. Our Dorm actually looked like a mansion.

"You know what I don't even care about the mess. The couch is so comfyyyyyy.."

"Mina "


"Your gonna have to call everyone over if you want a sleepover. It's already dark."

"REALLY WE'VE BEEN TALKING. THAT LONG." She yelled. Jumping off the couch. Grabbing her phone and jacket and rushing out the door.

Killua grabbed my waist as soon as she left. He nuzzled his head into my neck. "Do we have to have a sleepover tonight. " I looked back at him. "You already agreed Snowflake." He smiled. "That's sounds nice coming from you."  He said while I wrapped my arms around his. We just stood there swaying for a moment until There was a pounding on the door.

"Don't move.." he said as the pounding continued. Once the pounding stopped which was about ten minutes He kissed my cheek and opened the door Leaning on the side. "You done" Mina looked at him with an annoyed expression but a smirk on her face too. She pushed past Killua and Past me Dropping her bag and going to the couch.

"Commfffyyyy UGH WHERE'D YOU GET THIS" Mina said with Anger she must really like that couch.
"Alright come in Shinsou"

"Kiri Denki"

"Bakugo Hey Deku coming I just realized you didn't put him on the list."
"Nerd better be."

"Tsu Ida Mina"

"Zushi Is knuckle coming."
"Nah Babes sick But he managed to persuade me into coming so here I am."

"Glad to know some people have manners."

"Alright and.... Minas special person..."
I groaned and turned towards her.

"Alright so who is this SpEcIaL PeRsoN " I mocked. She lifted her head up and mumbled something before I shut the door and asked again.

"Someone Famous From the Zoldyck Family's assassin's." Killua looked at her confused.

"But the Zoldyck don't have Assassins. In fact there there own Assassin's. "
Everyone had already laid down there blankets and pillows. They sat down and looked at Killua. Well most of them. Kami was basically flirting with Shinsou and Shinsou was ignoring him on his phone as usual.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the Zoldyck don't have Any assassins They are literally their own. They have partners. And Are insane Yandere Well the Last one. Or so they think their not really caught up On the last Zoldyck. " Killua said looking at his hands in A weird way.

"But should the Last Zoldyck Know about themselves. I'm pretty sure there's a mystery in them but They should know themselves right."

"Yeah but they don't understand some of the things happening."


"Well the Zoldyck is still young dipshit."

" Yeah I forgot about that."

Everyone was looking at us in confusion even Kami and Shin. "Sorry really weird conversation." Mina violently shook her head.

There was A knock on the door. Mina go rip and opened it while me and Killua moved closer and Talked about the Zoldyck conversation. Mina cleared her throat.

"Alright then Everyone this is......."

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