Part Ten

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Gons' POV
I was just staring Like a weirdo at Killua when I saw him collapse. "KILLUA." Me and Izuku screamed. Luckily it was mostly Izuku voice. I saw Bakugo grab him and Izuku just get slightly sad. Me I was Angered but knew it was just to help him. Bakugo would never love anyone else but Izuku. I saw him taking Killua to the teacher he said something.

"He had a headache because he didn't want to reveal his mark. It's fine just take him to his Dorm he just needs rest." I practically jumped out of my seat and yelled.

"I'LL GO WITH HIM!!" Grabbing my bag and walking out with Bakugo.

"Why'd you come?"

"You don't know where his room is"

"Your right." Bakugo said handing over Killua.

"You really don't like touching other people. " I said taking Killua and holding him in a cradle.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Hey your conversation what was I about?" I asked.

"That guy's weird dude he knew me and deku we're dating a whole shitload about mina. He even knows Dekus mark. "

"Wait but you don't even know Zu's mark. Hell I barely know But I swear I've gotten close. "

"He said something that maybe you would know you gave him a tour right."

"Yeah what'd he say."

"Um something like he's got the same Mark but he doesn't like to show it either I guess. "

"DO WHAT " I screamed stopping at the top of the stairs.

"What!! Do you know dekus mark."

"Umm N-No I don't."

"Anyways where's his room?"


"What about yours?"

"No he's my roommate."

"Oh I haven't seen the other room I wonder what he did over the weekend." He said as we walked up to the dorm door. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door hearing a click and opening. Bakugo went to the kitchen and grabbed some Juice while I went to Killuas room. I moved his covers placed him on the bed along with a kiss to his forehead before covering him back up.

"Hey Gon Do you want To --" he spit his drink. "Holy shit he did this in two days." He said wiping off his mouth. I chuckled sheepishly and rubbed my neck.

"Um actually he didn't do this. I did." I said sitting beside Killua.

"And I'm very thankful for this." We were both startled by the outburst. Killua wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back. INFRONT OF BAKUGO.

"Killua Stop. Did you just fake a Faint to get out of class. " He groaned and rolled onto me. Now stuck I hear d Bakugo say "Well Someone's crush is worse than mine" Before He walked away.

"Killua Come on we have to go back to class. " I said before trying to move out of Killuas grasp. But no use I just got stuck. "Hey if you sleep with me for 30 Minutes until my first Class is done I'll go back to The others. Come on please My coffee didn't help shit and I really do have a headache. "

"How about this I'll sleep with you for Ten minutes now than I'll sleep with you tonight. "

"And you said you weren't perverted." Bakugo said coming in with a pizza slice.

"I did not I said I was Not as Perverted. "

"Same thing."

"Is not."

"Y'all are more like children than me a Zu at when we're drunk. "

"Pfft lies You and Deku are childish."

"As if we're nuts Not childish."

"Hold on back up YOU DRINK."

"No I drink only when I'm depressed or Severely excited. "

"Lies you guys went drinking last week. "

"I was happy about something."

"And what was that?"

"Um- Your Dating " I prolonged.

"See. Point PROVEN." He smacked his leg. I just groaned a let my head fall back down. Killua nuzzled his head into my neck. After that I just fell asleep he wasn't going to let me go back to class so why not.

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