First day

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So I'm actually happy because this has gotten more views than any of my other story's have in a month so thanks.

Gons' POV
We Had just gotten back from the coffee shop. As the bell rang we pulled into the parking lot and Rushed inside. Thank God both of us are fast we made it Just before the last bell. I sat in my seat and laid my bag down beside my chair next to Knuckle and Zushi. They were laughing about something until they recognized me. They actually had a shock expression on there faces.

"G-Gon your sitting with us. " Zushi Stuttered I looked confused but my expression changed when I heard a tapping on The board.

"Alright alright settle down. " The noise quieted as Mr.Wing stopped Tapping his pointing stick on the board. He put down his stick and grabbed Killuas shoulders.

Killuas POV
Me and Gon just Got into the room as the last bell rang. I walked to the front and sat on the teachers desk. Waiting for the teacher. There was a tap on the board and I turned to see the teacher. He said "alright alright settle down " before grabbing my shoulders.

"As you can see we have a new student would you like to introduce yourself." I nodded. I got off the desk and stood up.

"Hi my name's Killua " I said with a smile. "Oh Killua So we have a limit of 5 question if you like could they ask? " I nodded hesitantly. I saw a few kids raise there hands. I picked a girl with brown hair.

"Hi Killua what do you like to do for fun?" I chuckled.

"It really depends on my mood. If I'm happy I'll just sit around watching random shows. Sad probably just draw but I'm really bad at it. And if I'm nervous I'll just tap it really takes my mind if stuff." Another kid put their hand up.

"What's your color? "

"I really don't feel like telling so I'ma just say green."

"Killua If your here you must be famous or rich most people in this school have a bad reputation. So why are you here?"I groaned. I really don't like talking about this type of stuff.

"Well... My perverted Brothers boyfriend recommend this school to him. And of course he decided to listen to him. So now I have Mr. Chrollo watching me." I heard a lot of gasps. Another kid Blonde and red eyes said something.

"Let me take a guess. Morrow is the perverted big bro? " I heard another kid say something green hair he looked like Gon. "Kacchan That's rude."

"Shut up deku! " He said turning back to me. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "yes " with a smile. I heard alot of disgusted groans.

"But I'm noy as perverted as you think I am. Yes we may be related Through a Marriage. But it's still nothing to worry about. " Another girl raised her hand. Pink hair Black and yellow eyes. And her skin was pink. She looked real Cute. Pointed to her and she hopped out of her seat. I took a sip of my Coffee.

"I'm Mina you really cute so I have to ask. Do you have a girlfriend? " I choked spitting out half the coffee that was in my mouth. I heard a lot of laughs and someone say "don't laugh " it was the girl with brown hair she was up front helping me with the mess while everyone was still laughing.

Once we finished the mess they stopped laughing alot of people just staring at me. Mostly girls, Gon and the blonde guy. I looked around the Room then back to Mina.

"Actually no I'm not dating anyone." I heard a lot of girls say yes. "But there is a slight problem. I'm gay. And already have an eye on someone." I said glancing at Gon then back to Mina. She jumped in her seat "FUCK YEAH ANOTHER GAY." I heard half the class yell "MINA " and her apologizing. I just laughed. Before the teacher said. "Alright where would you like to sit." Alot of the girls started arguing. When I looked to Gon there were no seats. So

"I think I'll sit in the back with Anger issues, his boyfriend, and The Goddess. In other words the Blonde, The green headed Kid and The Pink girl." I said heading that way. There were alot of shocked faces following me before another person said "How'd you know that." I stopped and looked at him "I answered all five question you'll have to ask next time." I said and walked to the back placing my bag beside my seat and propping up my feet with my hands behind my head. The blonde guy shoved me. "The hell was that for."

"Explain how you knew we were dating. First." Oh yeah that.

"Um I'm from a wealthy and very skilled family." I said running My hands through my hair. He looked at me confused with the other two. "And that's suppose to mean what exactly."

"Kacchan Stop being so rude." The green haired guy said punching the blonde. The guy rubbed his arm. And Mina laughed. "Sorry there like this all the he time they haven't really told anyone about there relationship "

"Oh my bad. I didn't real know that."

"How did you not know that but know we were dating."

"KACCHAN." He screamed grabbing half the classes attention.

"Mr. Midoriya Do you have something to say?" The teacher asked looking him straight in the eyes.

"No sir It-"

"It was my fault I just asked him a question and This guy said something rude. He was just trying to make him stop. " I said with an Innocent smile. He just turned back to the board along with everyone else. Except Gon but I didn't notice.

"So The reason I know you to were dating and that she's a goddess is a little family heirloom. Basically I know alot about a person by the why the response to a question. Their additude. And their movements." I pointed to The blonde.

"You have anger issues and very bad by the way you responded to Dekus. "

"Izuku Please"

"Sorry Izuku comment you seemed very close so out of two reasons Born practically raised as friends. Or your dating but you to look so close that it's probably both. But it was Clarified when Izuku Responded. You didn't punch him you seem to be very violent unless it's someone like you or Like a crush. " The blonde Smirked.

"I like this guy"

"My point proven."

"Oo oo do me do me." Mina said eagered.

"Ok ok Calm down. From my perspective you seem very nice yet nosy. You mark is a goddess don't ask how I know that I honestly have no clue. By how much of a People person vibe you gave off I'm thinking you have alot of friends. Ooohh Excellent dancer too. You like alot of people and seem to find interests in shipping Them with other people. You my crush or think people are hot in alot of ways but you like yourself and think that you'll never need anyone to be happy. Just your friends." She dropped her jaw.

"Damn your good. That describes everything about Pinky. I'm bakugo."

"Nice to meet you But I have a question to ask?"

"Go ahead."

"Your a demon and she's a goddess. But do you know Izukus mark?"

"Actually no when he first got his mark he hid it from me but he still won't let me know." Bakugo said with an Agreed expression.

"Izuku Um Your a green because you don't want him to know right I'm pretty sure he won't mind. Don't worry if he doesn't love you afterwards. I'm still here for you I'm one too." I said grabbing his hand. "You should tell him. You need to stop being insecure also your thoughts are giving me a headache. " I said letting his hand go and rubbing my forehead.

"Nevermind those aren't your thoughts. Sorry."

"You can tell alot about a person. Are you ok tho you look really sick. "

"Am sorry I just... This really... " I fainted.

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