When Allies Fail

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The server is in chaos. Rendog, aka the self proclaimed Red King, has destroyed our sandy kingdom. Grian has been reduced to his yellow life, and I'm on my red life. I had died once when I got shot off a pillar of cobblestone, My second death was during the invasion of Dogwarts. Now, it's our final stand.

So many bodies litter the world, making me sad at all the friends we've lost. Pizza is dead now as well, our beloved mascot for Monopoly Mountain. Our desert alliance has added more people, but I only really trust Scar and Grian. Mainly Grian, but I'm his girlfriend so, yeah. Bdubs has seemingly joined our alliance as well, but I don't trust him. Scar gave him a clock. I know the man loves his clocks, but that doesn't make a firm alliance.

I end up separated from everyone else in the forest. Somehow, Bdubs finds me.

"Oh, Bdubs! I'm so glad to see you! I can't find Grian or Scar anywhere!"

"Oh, I can show you where they are!" His smile is big, almost too big. It's making me trust him less and less.

"Thanks!" I say, trying to return his smile. However, my grip on my iron sword tightens.

We start walking randomly through the forest. We've taken so many twists and turns that I can no longer tell which direction we are going. After walking for what feels like an eternity, I look around us and see a similar location to where Bdubs first found me. I'm so focused on where I am, I don't even know where Bdubs is.

"Bdubs? Are we walking in circles?" I turn to look behind him and he's not there. "Bdubs?" The swish of a sword cutting through the air jolts me into action. I swing my sword around and block Bdubs's attack. "Bdubs! What are you doing?"

"Sorry (Y/n), but I'm just following orders."

"That still doesn't explain why you're attacking me! We're in an alliance! And on who's orders?" I demand. We're stuck in a stalemate, my sword blocking his. It all depends on who's stronger. And I think I'm going to lose.

"Sorry but I can't tell you that."

"Of course you can't," I grumble.

I twist my sword away, freeing myself from Bdubs's sword. Unfortunately for us, it's getting dark out. Mobs of all kinds are spawning around us in the dark forest. The hissing of creepers and the groaning of zombies fill the darkness. From behind me, I hear the traditional hiss of a creeper before blowing up. I try to jump away, but I still get hit by the brunt of the explosion. My head smacks against a tree trunk, and I think I momentarily black out. When I regain consciousness, I look myself over. My clothes have holes all over them. When my ears stop ringing, I hear the sound of skeleton bones clinking together. Before I can turn around, an arrow flies into my sword arm. I scream as the muscles, skin, and bones break. Bdubs runs in and kills the skeleton before pinning me against the tree.

"Enjoy death, (Y/n)." Bdubs's voice haunts me as he stabs me in the chest.

"Why are you doing this Bdubs?" I croak out, blood running out of my mouth.

"Scar ordered me to."

"But why? I thought we were friends, Bdubs?"

"My allegiance is only to Scar. And together, we will take down them all."

I can feel my heart beat fading. I'm dying. "Grian," I whisper with my last breath, "I love you."

I close my eyes and everything fades to black.

Grian's POV:

I'm walking with Scar, trying to find (Y/n). She somehow got separated from us and I'm worried about her. It's getting dark out now, and mobs are going to be spawning. Then, I hear my communicator buzz. I pull it out and my heart rate rapidly increases. Since there's only four of us left, any sort of notification is most likely a death. And since Scar and I are together, it's either Bdubs or (Y/n) that just died. The message reads:

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