The Creepy Case of the Cookie Crumbs

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Buckle up, buttercups! This is a loooong one! Part of the reason it took me seemingly forever to you update (and I'm sorry about that) but here it is!

My hands tightened around the backpack straps as I walked through the shopping district. I was just passing the Duke and Mumbo statues when I spotted something weird. A gray roof peeked over the cliff face. A new building had popped up in the area. I scampered down the embankment and found a nice Georgian-style house. The design was great. The house was built into the hill, making great use of it's space down by a stream. The thing that caught my eye, however, was a sign. The sign read 221 G Baker St. I blinked in surprise. Shops don't have addresses. And since when did Sherlock Holmes join Hermitcraft?

I walked up to the door and pushed the doorbell. The sound of Big Ben's tolls echoed through the valley. As the final chimes rang out, the floor dropped out from under my feet. I shrieked before being flung forward. I just started to gain my footing when a slime block launched me to the left. I became a human ping pong ball, finally flying into a water elevator. I gasped at the sudden change and inhaled some water. Choking, I was shot up into the house.

I lay on the ground where I had been spit out and hacked up some water. My coughing faded once my lungs cleared out. Slowly I got my breath back and took in my surroundings. The interior of the house was just as detailed as the outside, maybe even more so. The front part I was in had big windows looking over the shopping district. Behind me sat a large archway that lead into more of the house. I wandered farther into what looked like an office. Bookshelves lined one wall and herbs were planted on a table opposite them. More house extended past in a long hallway, but this room drew me to it. Inside, the room felt smaller than it did looking in. Wandering over to the bookshelf, I dragged my finger along the spines. Some titles jumped out at me like How to Get Away with Murder, Murder for Dummies, Signs of Murder, American Psycho, From Hell, the entirety of the Sherlock Holmes series, Unabomber, This is the Zodiac Speaking, Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, The Complete Guide to Herbs and Medicine, The Encyclopedia of Poisons and Antidotes, and Pufferfish Care for Dummies.

What a variety of reading material.

I backed away from the bookshelves and wandered around the rest of the office. A lamp sat behind a desk, illuminating the room. What drew me closer was the base of the lamp. Somehow the owner of this house had converted a dragon egg into a lamp. I was busy admiring the lamp when the creak of a door sounded through the office. Once I found the sourGrian stood there.

"Hey, Grian."

"Hi (Y/n). What are you doing here?"

"I saw the roof of the shop by the statues and wanted to check it out."

Grian's face scrunched up as he gave me a once-over. It immediately made me feel self conscious. My pants were covered in dirt from climbing down the hill, my backpack was hanging by one arm, and there was a puddle of water on his floor.

"I thought I heard my doorbell."

So Grian lived here. Now the address made sense. 221 G Baker St.

"Since when did you get into solving mysteries?" I asked, uncomfortable with how he was staring at me.

"There's a lot of mysteries to be solved in Hermitcraft. And sorry if I'm making you nervous."

"Why would you think I'm nervous?" I asked, trying to brush the whole thing off. I mean, I just stumbled into a house that looks like it belongs to a serial killer, but Grian didn't have to know that.

"You keep fiddling with the hem of your shirt. Most people only fiddle with something to either work out some nervous tension or they can't sit still. You can't look me in the eye for long and you keep biting your lip. You're nervous."

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