The Moon's Impact

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It's a beautiful day here on the Hermitcraft server in season 8. The perfect day in my first season ever.

We all split up at the start, and I didn't know what to do. Finally I decided it would be best if I gathered resources. It was a little while before I found another person.

When I first stumbled across someone, it was Pearlescent Moon. I knew very little about Pearl, but we hit it off pretty well. We actually planned to make a base together and thought it would be a good idea to make it like a mountain.

After awhile of wandering around, we stumbled across four guys around a pole constructed out of boats and random blocks. Pearl and I kept talking when one of the guys called out to Pearl.

"Pearl! I'm glad to see you!" a guy in a red sweater called out.

"Grian!" Pearl yelled and hugged this stranger. I just stood awkwardly in the background. I thought they would base together and our plans would be forgotten. Then the guy in the red sweater turned to look at me.

"You're new, right? Isn't your name (Y/n)? I'm Grian. I know Pearl just said it, but I thought I should properly introduce myself."

I blinked in surprise. His British accent is really cute. "Yeah, my name is (Y/n)," I stuttered out. He's so unbelieving cute.

I've been living in Boatem now since its foundation. I've moved into a hand-made ravine under Pearl's mountain. Grian lives next door in his own cave, under a mountain that Scar has made. He's made this really cool alleyway he's deemed Midnight Alley. I have my ravine with walkways spanning the depths. Several houses dot the walls, completely furnished. I also have waterfalls, rivers, vines, and even a forest underground. I've even gotten Grian involved in helping me design some of my buildings and even some custom trees in my forest. I've also seen his base and even got him to let me make a house in one of his wonky buildings.

One night, while I'm flying through Boatem, I happen to look up at the moon. I'm so startled, I almost crash into the G Train. I quickly pull up and land on top of Pearl's light house. From here, I get a good view of the moon. It used to be about a third of the size of the Sun. Now it's over double the size.

"What's going on here?" I ask to myself. I take off of the lighthouse and fly toward the Boatem Pole. While flying, I spy a moon that someone in Boatem made. "What's this now?" Upon further inspection, it looks like a cult that Mumbo Jumbo created. Of course Mumbo created a cult. As if peace, love, and plants isn't enough of a cult. I fly back to Ravine Valley and fall asleep.

The moon seems to have been getting bigger, and I haven't seen any of the Mooners. One night, however, I see Grian stumbling around Boatem. His clothes look raggedy and dirty. His hair's an unkempt mess and he has dark circles under his eyes. He clearly hasn't slept recenty.

While I'm flying around, I hear the sound of death spawning. Phantoms circle the air around Grian, and he crumples to his knees with his hands covering his ears. He's screaming.

"Grian!" I yell, panicking. He's never acted like this before around phantoms.

I fly over and fight the mobs. There's so many of them, and I nearly fall out of the sky several times. Once they're all dead, I land next to Grian, who's still crying and screaming on the ground.

"Grian, are you ok?" I ask, gently setting a hand on his shoulder.

"G-get away from me!" he screams and tries to crawl away from me.

"Grian, it's me. It's (Y/n). You're friend." My voice breaks a bit at the word friend. Honestly, he's more than just a friend to me. So much more. I think I've fallen in love with the red clad hermit.

"S-stay away from me, you monster!" His words ring in my ears and shatter my heart. He thinks I'm a monster.

"Grian, please. It's me. You need to sleep."

"No, no, no, no. I can't sleep. I, I have to study the moon! For science! It doesn't matter if there's blocks flying in the air, or laughing phantoms, or my beautiful neighbor now looks like a monster, but I can't sleep! I can't!"

He called me beautiful, but now he thinks I'm a monster because he hasn't slept for who knows how long.

"You need to sleep," I gently whisper.

Grian looks back up at me with wide eyes. "The scary monster wants me to sleep? Why does the scary monster want me to sleep?"

"Because this scary monster isn't actually a monster at all. This monster is actually a beautiful princess. And you, Grian, you are the handsome prince of Midnight Alley."

"How does the monster know my name?" Grian mumbles, but I ignore him and help him walk back to his bed. He soon fades off to sleep, with some help from warm milk, soft music, and a bedtime story, courtesy of me.

I stay by his side, keeping an eye on him. It's nearly been two days since he's fallen asleep. When he does wake up, he looks much more refreshed.

"What happened? Where are we? Why am I in bed?" He sits up so fast, I'm surprised he's not light headed.

"As for where we are, we're in Midnight Alley. What happened was I saw you walking around Boatem. When some phantoms spawned, you started screaming and covering your ears. I wasn't sure what was wrong. When I landed, you thought I was a monster. It took some convincing to get you to sleep."

"But I can't sleep! I'm a member of the Mooners! And I have to stay up to observe the moon! What will Mumbo think?" His hands cover his face in shame.

"Grian, you needed to sleep. You were screaming about phantoms laughing and blocks flying in the air. You even forgot that I know your name. And you thought I was a scary monster. And, you said some other stuff too.."

His hands that were covering his face quickly move reveal it.

"What did I say? And I think I remember calling me a handsome prince? What was that about?"

"Well, the only way I could calm you down was by saying that I was a princess, and you are the prince of Midnight Alley. And about what you said, you said I was beautiful."

His face goes deathly pale. "I did?" I nod my head in affirmation. "Oh, what have I done! I'm so stupid!"

"You're not stupid, Grian. You were just sleep deprived. I'm not holding anything against you."

"Yes I am!" he continues to wail into his hands. "And I don't want you to hold it against me because I meant what I said."

My breath catches in my throat. He actually thinks I'm beautiful? And he doesn't want me dismissing it as part of his sleep deprived rambling delusions? Why?

"You actually think I'm beautiful?" I whisper while fidgeting with my hands.

"I really do," Grian whispers back.

"Oh I'm so glad!" I yell while throwing my arms around him. "I thought you liked Pearl, though. You guys are always hanging out."

He hesitates to hug back, but eventually does. "Pearl and I are just friends. We've been friends for as long as either of us can remember." As the hug gets more intimate, he buries his face in my hair. "I've always thought you were beautiful."

Sorry but I unfortunately don't know who the artist is. I found the work on Pinterest. Shout out to the artist.

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