The Story of My Demise

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I was running through the trees for my life. The branches kept slapping my arms and face, sometimes cutting them. Small cuts trickled blood down my cheeks, but I didn't care. I couldn't stop. The game of Demise was in full swing, and I was being chased. Ever since he died, I was in serious danger.

You see, I wasn't part of his little group when Demise started. Him and his dragon amigos, or something. When he died, he made a pact with them that he would not kill any of them. So, he came after me. Of course he came after me.

I was just out gathering some resources for my base when I heard a firework go off. I was curious who it was, since I was so far from everyone. When I looked up, I saw him flying around, completely gray. I knew he was dead. All I saw was him landing in front of me before I started running. I heard more fireworks going off and knew he was flying. I was being chased. Lucky for me, the forest provided cover from the sky. Unluckily, it's hard to run through a forest.

Finally, I stumbled into a clearing. And there, in the middle of the clearing, stood the man chasing me. His normal mousy brown hair was all gray, and his iconic red jumper was grayed out as well. The only color he had were his startling red eyes. They were nearly as eye catching as his normal gorgeous hazel ones.

"Grian, w-what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" His smirk somehow made him look both evil and seductive. My knees nearly turned to jelly. "I'm here to kill you."

"W-why? I h-haven't done anything to you."

"Oh, I know that Darling. But I can't pass up such a perfect opportunity to kill someone. Especially someone as gorgeous as yourself."

Yeah, my knees were definitely turning to jelly. "B-but PVP isn't allowed," I mumbled, fiddling with the sleeves of my shirt that were sticking out of my armor.

"Who said I haven't set a trap that I have just led you into?"

My eyes widened in terror before I turned and started barreling through the brush. Rockets went off behind me, and I knew the chase was on yet again. This time, I kept swerving, often doubling back so he couldn't track me.

After many twists, turns, and backtracks, I found myself on a cliff ledge. Down below, rocky ground slowly gave way to grass. I'm not even sure where I was anymore on the island. Why did I decide to adventure into the forest instead of going to the shopping district? Oh yeah, I wanted an adventure. This was more than I had hoped for.

Bushes rustled behind me, making me jump and turn around. I froze, hand ready to grab my sword, scared it was Grian. When a cute little chicken walked out of the brush, I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I was safe. I was just about to turn back around to look at the cliff again, and hopefully get my bearings, when rustling caught my attention once again. I thought it was just another chicken or parrot. Then a gray figure jumped down.

"Thought you could get away from me?" Grian's voice rang out, still with that same evil and seductive tone as before.

"I-. "W-. How did you find me?" I stuttered out. I was so careful. I kept moving in random directions. There was no way he could find me.

"Simple, Darling. I never lost sight of you." He held up his communicator and it showed a blinking yellow dot, where I can only pesume is where I'm standing.

"What-? How-? You have a tracking device in me?!"

"Not in you, Darling. But do you remember those earrings I gave you on our anniversary?" I reached a hand up to my ear and rubbed over the earring. They have a tracking device in them.

"I can't believe you would do this! I trusted you and you never tracked me before! We're always honest with each other! Why would you do this to me! I can't believe you would do this, especially during Demise-"

"Rambling will get you nowhere, Darling. The point is, you're right where I need you." I took a step back and rocks slid, falling down the cliff face to the ground far below. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Darling. You might accidentally fall to your demise, and that would be a great tragedy because it would not be by my hand."

"Why, why do you care how I die? I, I should just jump off now and, and die on my own terms." I subconsciously moved closer to the cliff, ready to meet death on my own terms.

"Now, don't disobey me, Darling. Besides, you wouldn't do that to me. You wouldn't jump and kill yourself when I'm here to stop you."

"You're acting like I won't respawn if I die."

"I know that, Darling. Now, take your armor off for me."

"W-what? Why would I do that?" I gripped the leather straps of my chest plate tightly. Even though I was wearing clothes underneath, the armor was my protection from him.

"Do as I say, Darling, if you value your life."

"But, I'll respawn if I die."

"Yes, but death is still painful. I should know myself."

"Then why do you want me to trust you? You were demised. It's your job to kill me."

"Darling, it may be my job, but I take no pleasure in it. Now, please, will you take your armor off?"

I nearly shook my head no, but something in his eyes made me stop. They were full of pain and sadness. But he could make a choice about who he would go after. Finally, I shook my head no.

"Fine." His expression hardened almost instantaneously. "I'll do it myself."

He took a step forward and I instinctively took a step back. More rocks skittered down the cliff, and I turned to look at how close I was to the edge of the cliff. Before I could look back, two hands had grabbed me by the arms. My head snapped back, and Grian was right in front of me.

"I told you to listen to me, (Y/n). Now, take off your armor."

I slightly shook my head, refusing to look at him in the eyes. I heard him sigh before drawing a knife. He slid the knife under the straps of my chest plate and I flinched. I was so sure he was going to stab me, but all he did was slice the straps holding up my Demise-approved iron chest plate. Next came my leggings and my arms were released as I was forced to take off my helmet.

"There. My armor's off now. What do you want?" I asked, trying to shove him away from me. He only grabbed my arms again, this time my hands pinned between our chests. I've never felt so scared before, standing in front of Grian. My (f/c) shirt rippled in the wind. We've been friends since we both joined Hermitcraft.

Then, he did something I didn't expect. He kissed me. His lips were cold and felt lifeless. Probably because he's dead. Despite that, I somehow felt myself enjoying the kiss. I slowly closed my eyes in bliss. I felt Grian's hands move from my arms, but I didn't think anything of it. That is, until he shoved me by the shoulders and I toppled over the edge of the cliff. I looked back up at Grian as I fell. His eyes held sadness at having to kill me, but there was some deep twisted part of him that seemed to enjoy me falling to my death. Then, I hit the ground. My head snapped back and my limbs broke. Many cuts leaked blood, staining the ground around me. One last gasping breath was spent looking up at Grian and all went black.

For once, I actually know who created the picture above. All credit to VSasha, the artist

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