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-Short throwing up (fear of it)

Clay's POV

I was in the hospital, waiting for my first scan so they could stage my cancer and decide the right treatment.

I was holding my phone while scrolling through it, searching for some sites where people with cancer could support each other. I didn't find anything good so far until I changed my search term.

A site popped up and I clicked it, seeing an introduction and a chat for people who currently battled cancer, who had cancer or who had a loved one going through a battle with cancer.

I clicked the chat and looked through the people who made an account on here, looking for someone my age.

I kept scrolling until I saw someone who was sixteen with the name Sapnap. I clicked his profile and read his bio.

"I'm here for my best friend who had cancer and might have his cancer return."

I clicked on his profile picture, seeing I guessed Sapnap with a young boy who was wearing a beanie, he was really thin and held his thumbs up with an IV in his hands. The boy seemed bald so I guessed this was his best friend when he had cancer.

I went to our chat and started typing a message to him in the hope he'd reply to me.

Hi :) I'm Clay. Recently I got diagnosed with cancer and I was looking for people around my age who wanted to talk :)

I leaned back in my bed and sighed softly as I waited for either a reply from Sapnap or for my dad. He was currently at work for his last day in the next upcoming months.

I was about to close my eyes since I was feeling feverish as my phone screen lit up. I saw it was a message from Sapnap.

I'm so sorry to hear that, dude! I'd love to talk to you :) my friend is sixteen, I see you're seventeen. I'm sixteen too so I can understand how it might be.

The cancer I have is running in my family. I just didn't expect to get it this young :( and your friend?

I'm so sorry, that's actually terrible. I remember how badly my friend got startled too. It's just unfair that cancer exists. My friend had bone cancer and got diagnosed at his fourteenth.

Fourteen is so young, that's terrible. I'm sorry! How is he now?

Not too great :( his cancer might come back and he's really scared. Because his tumour was in his knee, he couldn't walk and had so much pain which just sucks for such a young guy. What cancer type do you have?

Wish him good luck :) I hope he'll be okay, he can text me if he wants to. And I'm not totally sure since I'm still in the staging process, but it's most likely that I have lymphoma, blood cancer.

What hospital are you currently in?

It's the biggest one in the east of the country :)

My friend goes there too! Would you like me to visit you during your treatment when I'm allowed to?

That would be sweet :)

I'll visit you! Just tell me when it's the best time to come, it'll probably be in one or two weeks. How are you now actually?

Not so great :( I don't want to complain though.

You're not complaining, dude. You have cancer and I know how sick that makes you feel. You can talk to me about it all day.

I just feel so exhausted, I think I have a fever too. My whole skin is constantly itchy which appears to be a symptom too and I just feel weak :(

I'm actually so sorry, I wish I could do anything to help. I helped my friend by staying with him a lot and I can visit you whenever you'd like me too :)

Thank you. Oh hold on, my doctor is taking me to a room for my scan :) bye! It was nice talking to you.

Good luck!

I looked up at my doctor who smiled at me. 'Are you ready? It's just a short scan! Nothing to worry about.'

I smiled and nodded as he drove a wheelchair closer to me. 'Do you want to sit down? You look really tired.'

I nodded and sat down with my legs lifted up high as he drove me to the room for the scan.


I got driven back to my room after a day full of scans and another biopsy. I was really tired now and my dad was with me while I was sleeping in my bed.

I woke up at midnight, covered in sweat. I was so drenched with sweat that it felt like I had peed my pants and I pushed the sheets away, noticing it was actually only sweat.

Chills ran down my arms as I lifted myself up, shaking because of the cold. I pulled the sheets far over me as a second later suddenly my face flushed fully red and sweat went down from my forehead to my shirt.

I looked at my dad who was sleeping in the hospital next to me and tapped his shoulder as I started to feel panicky. What if I got sick and had to throw up?

My dad woke up when I breathed loudly and stood up to grab my hand. 'Oh honey, you're sweating so much. Are you feeling hot?'

'I'm so cold and then so hot.'

'You have a bad fever, honey. Do I need to call someone?'

'What if I throw up?' I squeaked as my chest tightened.

'Calm down, sweetie. You won't throw up because of a fever, okay? I promise you,' he answered, softly running his hand over my chest. 'You have a fever because of cancer, sweetheart.'

'Will I not throw up?' I whispered, trying to calm myself again.

'You won't. Night sweats and a fever are symptoms of lymphoma. Mom had it too and never threw up because of it,' he replied as he pulled me closer. 'Let me grab a towel, you're soaked.'

I nodded slowly and he grabbed a towel, wiping my face, chest, arms and legs with it. 'Close your eyes, honey. Try to sleep again. I'm here with you and I'll stay here until you fall asleep again. Then I'm next to you on the bed, I'll always be close to you.'

It calmed me down and I was so tired that I fell back asleep a few minutes after that.

1099 words

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