~Chapter 7: Realization~

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'I don't like Kacchan'

Izuku stares at you as you interact with Bakugou. He realized you were always more affectionate towards Bakugou than him. You may have not thought about it, of course not! You were nothing but a child so you didn't think much about it. But Izuku couldn't help but feel some kind of way about it.

In fact-

It made his blood boil how close you were with Bakugou.

He didn't understand. After what he told Izuku to do back in middle school, why were you still so close to him? If anything, Izuku was the main one that was hanging out with you while you three were children while Bakugou was showered with attention for his quirk and nothing more. It was you two against the world-


"Yeah, me and the others were just talking about me and some other things they wanted to know about me" you say, smiling up at Katsuki and the blonde let's his gaze bring itself to his other classmates until his gaze falls towards Izuku.

'Why is he staring at me like that?' He thinks to himself before realizing where his eyes actually
focused on.

'Wait- he isn't looking at me' Bakugou thinks to himself.

He was looking at you.

Bakugou always noticed how sometimes Izuku would pretend he wasn't there whenever he was around you. Bakugou couldn't really give two fucks about whether or not he was being noticed by the green haired boy but that wasn't really the problem:

The problem was how possessive it seemed Izuku was of you.

Around the time, when all three of you were children, the young boy was always curious as to why he was always so content on 'protecting' you, well that's Bakugou remembers Izuku saying about you. Bakugou tried asking him about it while they were in middle school but it was always the same answer:

"Me and y/n are best friends and I want to make sure nothing can hurt her"

Which of course led to Bakugou getting angry and eventually just blowing the boy to oblivion. But it just didn't sit right with him. He was too protective over you for no reason. Actually, he still is and it kinda worried him a little. Katsuki was aware of how he and Izuku weren't as close but he was close to you.

After the whole ordeal in middle school, you texted him and asked him what was going on between him and Izuku but he never gave you a real answer so you left it alone and tried to look forward to the future.


"Katsuki?" you called him and you were greeted with his red eyes meeting your own and you smiled once again. "What do you want?" he asked you and you pointed to all your friends sitting on the couches ahead.

"Do you want to join them?" you asked him and he nodded his head.

"Yeah sure" Bakugou says.

You grab him by the wrist and pull him, making him follow you as you make your way towards your seat and directing him to sit in one of the single chairs and you reclaimed your seat next to Izuku. "Alright, now we can get the question rolling again" you say, clasping your hands together.

"Can you explain how your quirk work l/n?" Iida asked you and you nodded in response.

"Of course! For starters, my quirk is named empathy" you start as you notice how focused everyone was as they waited for you to continue to talk.

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