~Chapter 2: You're different now~

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As you three went through your middle school year together it wasn't the best. You could probably figure out why. Grades? Mid terms? Or even waking up early for school. But to you it wasn't that bad. You more worried about Izuku

You have last period with the green haired boy and everytime class ends you want him to walk home with you but he never does. When this happened before you usually walk out the classroom he'll always tell you: "If I don't make it to walk home with you than don't worry about me!" He says with the same smile you've always loved seeing on his face.

One day you neglected those instructions and went to see what was happening. Before you open the door you could hear Izuku and Katsuki voices. What were they talking about? Was it something serious? Why didn't they tell you? You let those questions run through your head as you listened to something that caught your attention...

"Well there is a way for you to become a hero...you'll probably have a better chance in your next life if you take a swan dive off the roof of the building" you heard someone say

you know that voice all too well. Katsuki Bakugou also your known as your childhood friend. You've noticed how Izuku would come to class the next morning with bruises and you tried questioning him but he always shrugged it off as him falling. You've noticed those looked like burn marks and there was always bruises on his face.

But that was besides the point. Did he just tell Izuku to go jump off the roof and kill himself? You felt a small bit of anger come over you as you entered the class room and you watched as Katsuki threw one of Izuku hero notebooks out the window after destroying it.

You walk over to Izuku with a smile as you got closer. Completely making it seem like the ash blonde boy was invisible. You could hear Katsuki friends talk about you. You didn't like none of the boys at this school and you barely talk to anyone except for Izuku but it wasn't the time to think about that.

"I wanted to wait for you so we can both walked home together" you say as you smile at the green haired boy.

"S-sorry y/n. I was just talking to kacchan before coming with you" he says as you turned your head and faced Katsuki before walking about 4 inches closer to him.

"We've been friends for years. You and Izuku even admired the same hero! But you wanted to tell him to jump off the school building" you say to the red eyed boy

"You changed Katsuki. I thought you would stay the same enthusiastic and fun kid I've always known as a kid" you turn towards Izuku before smiling once again than turning your head back around to face the boy as your face changed of disappointed.

"I guess I was wrong" you say before walked to Izuku's desk and picking up some of his books.

"Come on Izuku!" You say as you made your way to the exit of the classroom. You see Izuku hurry towards you and you both walked out of the room.

"Are you alright y/n?" You heard him questioned but you felt yourself spacing out. Did he really tell Izuku to kill himself? Why did he say that? Is it because Izuku doesn't have a quirk? You thought to yourself.

You feel something touch you to see it's Izuku lightly tapping your shoulders to break you out of your thoughts. "Sorry Izuku, I tend to get like that" you say smiling and rubbing the back of your head. "It's fine y/n. I also get like that sometimes" he says as you both let out a laugh.

"Y/n?" You hear him say "yeah what's up?" You say back smiling "what do you think about kacchan?" He asked you "I don't know anymore. I've gotten kinda worked up because he said something like that to you" you say letting out a sigh. "If he comes to his senses than I'll talk to him again. If not I still have you Izuku" You say smiling happily

That's what supposed to happen

He did love your smile. That was the best part about you as you two grew up together

You don't need nobody who's going to be a nuisance and causing problems for you

He'll make sure of that

"Izuku?" You say as you reached up to pat his head. "You're spacing out again?" You question before letting out a small laugh and kept walking with your friend

Your laugh was so contagious

You could probably make the entire world smile with the effects yours have on others

It sure enough made him smile whenever he heard it

"What high school did you want to get into?" You ask Izuku "I want to get into UA high school" he says quietly as if he was trying to make it seem like he didn't want you to hear him.

"That's great! I'm sure you'll get accepted Izuku" you say happily "I want to go there too but I don't think I have the right type of quirk to do the fighting related stuff" you say shrugging your shoulders.

"But you have a great hand to hand combat skills" Izuku tells you. You took some fighting lessons during your years in grammar school and making your way to middle school. You could figure out a way to make your quirk helpful in real combat situations but you couldn't think of anything as of the moment.

"True but what if I get hit with a quirk that makes me forget how to fight" you say smiling jokingly "Than i'll be there to protect you y/n" you hear Izuku say causing you to smile. "I think your quirk is great. You could probably help villains change their life around" Izuku says to you "You think so?" You ask. You didn't like to tell people about your quirk since you were told you it could be used for evil.

But when it came to discussing these things with Izuku you felt safe. "Yeah. You could probably be like an investigator or something of that nature" he says smiling "You're right Izuku!" Thanks for giving me the idea! you say...

Bakugou looked at the doorway where you walked out with Izuku. His friend shared small laughs with one another before saying something to him. "That's your childhood friend?" One of them question causing him to grunt and turn towards his friend.

"Stay the hell out of my business" he says with a aggressive time as usual. "I'm going home" he says before making his way out of the classroom. Were you really that mad? It's not like he would actually do it.

He always stuck to you and Bakugou like glue. There would be times where Izuku would completely ignore Bakugou and pretended like he wasn't there. Of course he didn't care there was no point to.

It just always creeped him out a little. The young boy was quirkless so it's not like he could do anything but it wasn't about power or the type of quirk...

It was how he looked at you

Bakugou didn't look much into it since the damn nerd was already weak so he couldn't even break a twig. But, it was always his eyes that would give him such a weird feeling. Now thinking about it, he always looked at heros with such an admiration but when looking at you it's something in his eye

What could he possible do that was so serious? He doesn't have a quirk and he's not even on Bakugou level and you were at a good point handling your quirk so there's nothing the boy could do

That's how he wanted you to think

~Chapter 2 End~

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