~Chapter 4: Head in the clouds~

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You, Izuku and a few other of your fellow classmates you were all currently sitting at the lunch room table eating. You noticed that Izuku usually hung out mostly with Iida, Todoroki and Uraraka while you usually see Katsuki usually hung with Kirishima, Denki and Mina.

"Hey Uraraka?" You called her quietly as she looked up at you "Yeah y/n?" She responded back with "Why don't Katsuki and his friends hang out with us?" You asked and she shrugged and smiled back at me "I guess we have our own little friend groups" she says as you looked to Katsuki and his friends and back to those you're talking to right now.

(Izuku Pov)
Y/n was talking to Uraraka. At least you were making friends really quickly. I mean, it's not like you couldn't make friends, you were really friendly to others no matter if you knew them or not. You just wanted to help people.

'Still in denial I see~'

"What are you taking about? If you're going to say what I think you're going to say I don't want to-"

'You're so boring! Just kill the red haired bastard'

"For the last time I'm not going to hurt my friend"

'We both know you barely have friends~ I'm pretty sure you're aware of your problem'

"There's nothing wrong with me"

'Sure~ you barely have friends because everyone thinks you're a lunatic as it. And I'm pretty sure your 'friends' would think the same even y/n'

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

'Yeah you did~ but I got bored and you're fun to torment'

(Your pov)
I talked with Uraraka and the others about the some other random things. I noticed that I haven't heard Izuku say anything. These were his friends before I got here so maybe he was mad or upset about that I was getting too close to them.

I also noticed that Izuku wasn't eating lunch. I really thought he was thinking really thought hard about something or someone.

I thought he was just thinking about school so you thought you shouldn't worry about the green haired boy until he started mumbling something that was kinda hard to process what he was saying.

"Izuku?" You called him as you touched him on the shoulder as that was enough to jolt him out of his trance with him jumping. "Y-y/n!" He managed to stutter out causing you to smile

"You were spacing out Izuku so I was confused" you say to the boy causing to look at you before vigorously shaking his head "I-Im fine y/n!" He says as you nod your head and smiled back at the boy.

(No one Pov)
"So this is the new nice girl in class 1A? You look like you couldn't hurt a fly" You heard someone say and you sighed lightly before turning around and smiling at the person.

"And who might you be?" You asked the blonde haired boy in front of you while still keeping the smile on your face visible "I'm Neito Monoma. I'm in class 1B and I think this school did a crappy job putting someone like you in the hero course" He says smiling at you.

"Well, My name is L/n Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you" you say as you brushed off some dust off you skirt and went back to maintaining eye contact in the boy "Now what did you say about me again?" You asked kindly causing the boy to smile back at you.

"You couldn't possibly hurt a fly! How did you even get into UA?" He asked as he got closer to you "I earned my way into UA by working hard. The Real question is, how did you get into this school?" You asked with kindness still laced in your voice

You asked fixing your hair a little "Oh! You have a lot of confidence!" He says looking at you and you clicked your tongue and returned back to looking at the boy with a smile.

'oh no! Y/n's starting to get frustrated with monoma' Izuku thought as he watched you and the blonde haired boy talk with one another.

You always were able to put up with people. But, when it comes to you trying to keep your smiling face everyone which is how everyone at your old school known about you the most you've always had a habit of clicking your tongue when you're getting slightly upset or losing your cool.

"Okay than, attack me than" the boy said causing you to smile as you got into a fighting stance.

"Alright than" you say as you watched as he quickly proceeded towards trying to hit you as soon as he got close enough you grabbed him by the arm.

Using some of your force not to hurt the boy's arm you threw him onto the ground and pulled the arm you had in your grasp pulling it back and using your other available hand to restrain the boy's other arm keeping him in place.

"If I'm correct, since I heard your name" you started off your sentence before smiling and tighting your grip on him before clicking you tongue

"Neito Monoma, You're in class 1B and if I'm correct you have the ability to copy other people's quirks once they used their quirk on you if I'm correct" You say.

"Sorry if I gotten your quirk ability wrong. When I see information about your quirk I was honestly fascinated by it. I always wanted to see someone with this kind of quirk!" You exclaimed to him before your entire facial expression changed.

"You still tried to attack me regardless knowing me and that's just rude" you say before getting closer to his face "I learned some fighting skills in case I met someone like you. It comes in handy if I don't want to mess up my own mental health while using my own quirk" You say to him before getting off of him.

You watch as he rubbed his wrist and you held out your hand for him to take only for him to slap it away and supporting himself and getting up.

"Hmm, maybe there was reason for you to be in that class" he says before waving you off and walking away and you sighed happy to be done with her situation and turned and made your way back towards your table.

As you turn you see the some of your classmates staring at you. "What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" You asked before you see Kirishima run up to you with a wide smile.

"L/n! That was so manly! You could fight even without using your quirk" he says as you nodded and rubbed the back of your head while smiling "It's no big deal. I practiced in other types of fighting when I was in middle school" You say smiling at the boy.

"Kirishima...Let's hope I don't have to something to get rid of you"

~Chapter 4 End~

Okay! Sorry for the long wait of this chapter 😅 I like to write a new chapter before publishing another so give me a while since I'm currently in school now since the new school year started but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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