For now...

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It's not that Seokjin is a vampire but it is the fact that Taehyung looks too beautiful in red. He loves when there are smudges of red all over his body. He doesn't know any colour that would suit Taehyung other than that. He likes blood. He likes red. And he loves Taehyung.
So it is why Seokjin pulls out his fangs before sucking all of the blood Taehyung's body offers through the holes that his fangs created. He pulls them out and lets the blood come to the surface of his skin, it is too hot for him to watch and it is silly in the most vampiric way that his cock twitches at the sight of blood running from the open holes down to his chest.

"I want to fuck you like this as you are bleeding" Seokjin grumbles with a low voice. Taehyung is already naked, both are. And it is not the first time they had sex that day but he is a vampire and has so much stamina and Taehyung is just a tad too horny.

"Fuck me then," Taehyung whispers with a seductive tone and it is so sexy to be bold in front of a damn royal vampire. But Taehyung is bold and Seokjin loves him for that.

He kisses Taehyung’s swollen, blood-stained lips. He feels like it is the first time tasting blood after turning into a vampire. Hungry and desperate. For blood or for Taehyung, he doesn't fucking know.
He parts from the kiss and licks his lips before moving his tongue against the skin down to Taehyung's neck that he had bit earlier in the day. He licks the few drops of blood that are drying on the holes before looking back at Taehyung who is panting.

He goes down then, lowers himself down so he can wrap his mouth around Taehyung's length. The boy is already shivering by the mere touch and it feels good for Seokjin’s cold vampire body to have something this warm in his mouth, he almost feels alive. He tilts his head up then, stares at Taehyung from down and his eyes follow the blood that is still streaming down his body. He is so beautiful. He is a beautiful prey. He has been all this time. Seokjin lets his mouth suck at the tip of his cock before pulling it out.
The blood is tempting and he likes when he gets to have his food against the lovely boy’s skin, so he licks the blood that is already at the bottom of his abdomen, sucks on the skin before trailing the blood from down up to his chest. He nibbles on his blood-covered nipples and sucks on them before he plants marks of his territory on the skin around.

“S-Seokjin,” he moans out deliciously and Seokjin wants to fuck him and bite him again and again till he passes out on the bed that is Taehyung’s.


“Fuck me already,” Taehyung demands which make Seokjin smirk, the young mortal could be a needy brat for Seokjin’s amusement but still that wouldn't make him, fulfil his demand just because he wants to fuck him so good and well that Taehyung’s body will ache by it for a few days.

“You know that I won't fuck you with that manner, sweet baby, try harder,” Seokjin kisses the juncture of his neck and pushes his fangs inside the holes he bit before and sucked in some more blood.

“Fuck me… fuck me please,” Taehyung moans desperately and it is lovely in Seokjin’s ears. He likes when his prey turns like this. He loves when he is the one making Taehyung feel things and want things he never had.
His fangs are in Taehyung’s flesh and he loves the taste of Taehyung’s blood the most. It’s sweet and sugary that he wants to saviour. He wants to tease the boy more, he wants him to beg for him but he is a weak vampire when it is about his desires, blood, sex and Taehyung. So, it is not really in his control when he aligns his cock against Taehyung’s swollen and used entrance and thrusts in with no tenderness. They both like it when it hurts for Taehyung.

They hiss together at the sudden penetration, Taehyung tilts his head more, exposes more of his neck to the vampire, while the vampire drinks his blood and fucks him roughly. It is pure bliss every time they have tried and they have done this so many times. Seokjin thrusts in and out while thinking that if Taehyung was like any other prey of his he would be dead by now. The thought makes Seokjin shiver with emotions that he thought vampires never had and he sucks blood deeply, making Taehyung moan like a bitch in heat. He gives a smooth thrust in Taehyung and drinks in his blood. It feels nice like this.

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