Camellia clouds

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"Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star. It's dazzling, but the light is from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn't even exist any more. Yet, sometimes that light seems more real to me than anything." Seokjin whispered like he was in a dream, Taehyung didn't dare to move his head while both were watching the clouds above them. He let this moment sink in a deep memory of a dream, wherein future he couldn't tell it was a reality they created or it was only his mind trying to stop him from grieving by hallucinating.

"Haruki Murakami" Taehyung whispered back and his mind wandered about how one of the clouds above them seemed like a bird flying.

"West of the sun… you have a good memory Taehyungie…" Seokjin whispered and Taehyung couldn't deny how much he loved that both respected the silence of nature that encircled them and their whispers… so sensually… with a heavy longing taste on their tongue. There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover’s whisper, irresistible magic to make the sanest man go mad. He turned his head slightly, his gaze shifting from the bird-shaped cloud to Seokjin, who was immersed by a cloud. He looked at his Seokjin, taking in his profile. He wanted to tell him that ‘ he had a good memory just because he wanted to save every moment he had with his love - with his Seokjin and he would do anything just to savour any seconds they had, he would do anything just to create new memories to be memories.' but he kept quiet.

He turned his head back to the sky and the fluffy cotton-like clouds just to stop the heavy burn behind his eyelids. Just to stop himself from curling up to Seokjin and let his eyes fill with a river of unshed, locked tears. As if Seokjin felt him, his hand found Taehyung's and their fingers huddled. There was a silent caress of fingertips while their fingers explored the other's skin. So many words were untold and at the moment Taehyung felt like he didn't need to talk. He understood Seokjin and his Seokjin always knew him better than anyone in the world.

"Look at that cloud TaeTae…" Seokjin whispered and pointed to a cloud with his free hand. Taehyung followed Seokjin's hand till he reached a little unshaped heart cloud.

"It is beautiful… " he whispered, absorbed in the moment of life where his Seokjin was watching a cloud too fondly to be considered just a gas shape of water. For a second he was almost jealous of the clouds. Why was he looking to them for an escape when I was right here beside him?

"We are beautiful " Taehyung whispered and his own heart ached as he knew beauty is always a temporary entity and Taehyung wondered if Seokjin will still love him even when this temporary went away and remained in a mellow shadow of nothing. His eyes turned to Seokjin again, the magnetic love absorbing him into a lull warmth and he knew no one ever loved him the way Seokjin did… there was no doubt if he was only ashes and bones, Seokjin would still love him… Still, his eyes would stare at him just as fondly as the way he watched the heart-shaped cloud.

There were the two of them, still fragmentary beings, just beginning to sense the presence of an unexpected, to the be-acquired reality that would fill them and make them whole. The clouds were like pink camellia bushes on top of them representing all the longing emotions in their hearts. Taehyung would blow all the clouds away if he could, but his love, his Seokjin, loved clouds and watching them. Taehyung loved the sky, loved clouds and most of all loved spending time with Seokjin but he hated yearning and longing for something just next to him.

"If I stayed here, something inside me would be lost forever—something I couldn't afford to lose. It was like a vague dream, a burning, unfulfilled desire. The kind of dream people have only when they're seventeen" Seokjin whispered again and Taehyung's heart was all fluffy like the clouds above thinking about how much of a bibliophile Seokjin was.

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