right here waiting for you

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Taehyung turned the key in the lock, opening the door and entering. He heard Yeontan barking happily with his fluffy hair moving with excitement. He had to leave for college, the poor dog had to spend all the time alone. Taehyung bent down and grabbed the dog in his arms, inhaled out of the quick relief sensation, he patted Yeontan's head watching the dog closing his eyes and leaning to his hand was adorable. Taehyung placed Yeontan down on the couch before grabbing his food bowl and filled it with the special dog nourishment. He checked his water bowl as well before walking to the bedroom. His heart was heavy as he opened the door. Seeing the pastel purple room all cold, all alone. He sighed, changing his clothes to shorts and one of his biggest t-shirts. More accurately the t-shirt wasn't even his, it belonged to his broad-shouldered man. He nuzzled in the t-shirt as he walked to the bathroom splashing some cold chill water on his face to refresh. He paced back to the kitchen only to find instant noodles. He sighed, waited for the instant to get ready. Yeontan was playing with his plastic toys in the living room. Taehyung smiled watching that but rubbed his temples. The beep sound of the microwave took him better, he placed his meal on the table. Settling on the chair, still eyes on Yeontan, not moving his eyes so he couldn't see himself eating all alone. He just ate to film his stomach before tossing the rest to trash. The appetite was long gone away, he was eating so he could distract himself from the lonely feeling surrounding the house. His eyes sauntered the kitchen. This was his favourite place in the house after the bedroom. He had many nights and days, many brunches and lunches and dinners in the kitchen with Seokjin. With his man. Sometimes romantic tables and sometimes quick orders from out. This table faced so many memories, the sore morning feedings, the giggly lunches with Seokjin's jokes, the bubble relaxing dinners after rough days. The table wasn't all the time facing happy memories. He remembers them eating with pitch lull because both were stubborn to give up on the 'let's not talk' contest. He remembers the next evening of that day with sighs and glassy eyes drinking tea while trying to solve the silly problem. Taehyung sighed, now he missed all. Everything, every tiny thing about their relationship. Now he was missing Seokjin, aching for him by the deepest maze of his soul. He jumped hearing his phone, smiling widely checking the time. It must have been Seokjin, he stormed to his phone answering the video call with precarious shaky hands. His hand covered the camera while his other hand was on his chest, trying to calm his heartbeat with deep breaths.

"Baby… baby…" Jin said, obviously seeing nothing but a black screen. On the other hand, Taehyung could see. Could see the sight in front of him, so beautiful, so glamorous. Seokjin's pouty lips and tired eyes. So tragically beautiful and breathtaking. He took in a huge amount of air before moving his hand from the camera. Seokjin smiled seeing Taehyung, replacing all the tiredness to adorable smile. Taehyung fell in love like the first time he fell in love.

"Hi…" he whispered breathlessly.

"Hi baby, you are good?" Seokjin asked, worry flooding his face. Yeontan approached Taehyung when he heard Seokjin's voice. Taehyung patted his head soothing himself and soothing the puppy. Both were madly attached to the man on the screen.

"Yeah… yeah, I'm good. Even better now. How are you? You seem tired. Why don't you rest? We can talk later" Taehyung said nonchalantly. Seokjin chuckled.

"I'm fine baby… you know I can't sleep without your voice" Seokjin said and Taehyung smiled. It was same for Taehyung, all same except the fact that he couldn't breathe without Seokjin. The man turned to become his breath owning his existence with soft eyes and lovely, kind smiles.

"I know, how was your day?" Taehyung asked, giving out his most shining smile.

"It was boring, my coworkers are two bickering boys. Noise my room all the time" Seokjin chuckled. "I love them though, how was yours?" He asked. Taehyung forced all of his wills to keep his smile still on. Seokjin asked "how was yours?" Ignoring the wrecking power of "I love them". Taehyung ignored too as his eyes met Seokjin's through the screen, he ignored everything but aimed to memorise every component of Seokjin. Not his face, it was memorised long ago when they spent a night mingling for the first time. But now, memorising every single piece of his soul, every untouched pureness swirling in his lover's soul. Taehyung hugged Yeontan tightly seeking and yearning for a touch. Not every touch but Seokjin's.

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