Chapter One

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The intercom in the airport blared another boarding announcement. It was for our flight, but my boyfriend still wasn't back from getting coffee at the stand a few gates down. I looked through the crowds of people and smiled when I saw him headed my way. His dark brown, almost black hair was slicked back, and even though he was dressed down from his usual business attire, he still looked perfectly put together.

Brad had been working a lot lately and was gone on business trips more than he was home, so I was looking forward to our vacation. All I wanted to do was spend uninterrupted time with him, whether that was in bed or in front of a cozy fireplace or hiking through a forest.

"They started boarding for our flight," I told him, leaning in to kiss him as he made it to our gate.

"I still can't believe I let you convince me to leave sunny California for rainy Washington," he remarked, shaking his head slightly.

I kissed him again. "It'll be great. I promise."

I held his coffee for him as he gathered his laptop bag and rolling suitcase. I hoped he wouldn't have to work on our trip. It was supposed to be a break for him. He'd been distant and tense lately, so I wanted him to be able to relax.

As we approached the door, Brad handed our boarding passes to the gate agent to be scanned. I'd planned the trip and chosen our hotels, and he'd booked our flights. It had been a challenge finding places to stay that fit my budget and met Brad's expectations, but I'd managed to do it.

We walked down the jet bridge, waiting for the other passengers to file onto the plane. The flight attendant at the door smiled at us, and I gave her a wide smile back. We had walked past two rows of first class seats when Brad stopped in the aisle, glancing at the boarding passes in his hand.

"I'm right here."

I felt a silly grin spread across my face. "You got us first class seats?"

Brad shoved his suitcase into the overhead compartment. "No. I got mine with my airline miles from work." He turned and handed me my boarding pass.

Confused, I looked down at it. Seat 23E. My seat was in economy, fairly far back in the plane. "We're not sitting together?"

"Nope. Sorry, babe. I knew first class probably wasn't in the budget for you."

I was well aware of Brad's feelings about providing for his boyfriends, but I didn't think that would extend to the point where he'd rather have us sit separately than help pay to upgrade my seat. Stunned, I didn't know what to say. I'd been looking forward to holding hands and watching a movie together, or maybe resting my head on his shoulder to nap. I just wanted to be close to him.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The other passengers seated in first class were all averting their eyes, and I realized I was holding up everyone else behind me, so I started moving forward. There was no point trying to talk this out with Brad. In a single moment, all of my hopes for this vacation were crushed.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. We had all stopped while boarding the plane, hung up near the front in first class while the boyfriend of the poor guy in front of me informed him that they'd be sitting separately. Who the fuck did that? Who would come on a trip with their partner and not want to sit with them? To make it worse, it sounded like the boyfriend was shaming the guy for not being able to afford a first class seat.

The line started moving again, and I glared at the boyfriend as I passed. He looked like a total douchebag, with an expensive watch on his wrist, designer clothing and an air of importance. Undeserved importance. I shuffled forward until I got to my row, hoping there would still be room for my bag in the overhead compartment. Hoping there would be room for me in these tiny seats.

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