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"Let's give it one more go

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"Let's give it one more go."
"I'm too tired."
"Come on, Jimin! How are you going to get better before the finals?"

Jimin slumped to the ground and gulped down his water.
Sweat dripped from his face and he zoned out a bit from exhaustion.

The other man grabbed Jimin's wrist and pulled him up.
"I have no more energy!"

But the boy kept pushing anyway, his want to beat his class, even his instructor, pushed him forward.
He was already the best, but in his eyes, he wasn't. To him, he was just a beginner.

Jimin executed the dance steps beautifully with excellent rhythm and movement of the body.

And finally, he was done. He fell to the ground and hugged his knees, tired.

Why is it so hard. Why am I not getting better?!

"This will hurt a little bit, but I know how strong you are." The nurse smiled sweetly at the boy in the chair and he smiled back.
The nurse quickly gave him the shot and patted his shoulder.
"Good job!" The boy grinned as the nurse handed him a lollipop before helping him hop out of the chair.

The boy walked out of the room, heading back to his hospital room.
A young mother stood in the hallway, holding her little girl by the hand. "Honey, stop yelling please." "I don't want tooooo!" The little girl screamed, stomping her foot in anger.

The boy crouched in front of the girl and pouted. "Don't scream please. It hurts my ears."
The little girl's eyes suddenly widened and she looked scared.
"I'm sowwy." "Thank you," the boy smiled and the girl smiled back.
"You have a pwetty smile!"
The boy grinned before making a funny face, causing the little girl to giggle.

Suddenly the girl got quiet and tears began in her large eyes.
"I have to get a shot. Will it hurt?" She pouted and looked down at the ground, sniffling back the tears.

"It hurts a tiny bit."

The girl looked up, sad by the response. "But...you're stronger than me. And, if you stay really still, you can have this."
The boy held out his lollipop.
The little girl's eyes lit up at the sight. "Really?"
The boy nodded and placed the candy in her small hand.

She grinned and kissed his cheek.
"I'll stay still I promise!"
The boy gave her a small hug.
"Ok, sweetie."

The boy got up to see the mother smiling. But she also looked a bit sad. No one had ever really helped her with her child and her parents had kicked her out for keeping the child. She'd always had trouble controlling the little girl but this boy had had no problem.

"You have a gift." The mother said, looking down at the smiling little girl. "You can make people happy."
The boy laughed shyly. "Thank you." He bowed deeply before leaving.

After reaching the room, the boy lied down on the bed and sighed.
He looked over at the rolling table filled with all of the pills he had to take before dinner.

The door squeaked open as the boy held up a handful of pills to his lips. A head peeked in.
"Hey baby bear."
The boy laughed at the nickname and sat up. "Hey Mama."
"How are you doing?" She asked, coming and sitting down beside him. "I'm okay," he lied with a convincing smile.

Mama shook her head. "No, really.
How are you?"
He shrugged. "Tired."
"Please rest more."
"No, mama. I'm tired of resting.
Of pills," he said, tossing the pills in his hand onto the table again.
"I'm tired of being sick. I'm tired of being tired."

Mama rubbed his wavy hair gently, shushing him. "I know, TaeTae. I know it's hard. Well, even I don't know how hard it is.
But I do know how strong you are.
You can handle so much and still smile. And I hope one day, you'll be healthy and happy like every other child."

Tae nodded and leaned into his mama's arms like the sweet boy he was. "Oh! Sweetie, I have good news for you."
Tae's head shot up, looking expectantly. "What? What?"
"You're leaving the hospital!"
"Really?!!! For real?"
"Yes, Tae! For real!"

"But there's some bad news."
Mama said, trying to get him to calm down. "Yeah yeah, I know. I have to come back."
"Well, you do, but not that."
"Oh, what?"
"We're moving. To a whole different city."

"But that's good isn't it?
"If you're okay with it."
"Yes. I think it'll be fun!"
"Aww you're cute. Come on, pack up."
"What? I'm leaving now?!"
"Yes! Excited?"

The Boy Next Door {vmin}Where stories live. Discover now