+Chapter 11+

324 13 14

Word Count: 1,876
This week went by
fast- I didn't even
realize that it was Thursday
until one of my teachers
mentioned a project that's due

Sapnap just laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. The sounds of people walking around out in the hallways, talking loudly, sharing laughs, even screams of pure excitement could be heard. Sapnap knew that a lot of people wandered around in the fortress to see what type of things that people like his family would have inside. Abigail and Jackson would take them on little tours, explaining what every room was for.

Honestly, Sapnap couldn't remember what half of the rooms were for. There were hundreds of them in that fortress alone. He had to admit, he wasn't used to people just randomly walking into the huge red building for tours and such. Back in the Over World, people always knocked. Of course, that's a normal thing to do. But in the Nether, people just walk right into each other's houses as if it was their own.

He figured that everyone knew everyone around the Nether, and that they were all pretty close to the point where they didn't even need to lock their doors, or have random Piglins to guard their house. Though, he did like the fact that his parents still had some Piglins and Hoglins guarding their fortress..just in case some people from the Over World wanted to harm them instead of looking around inside.

Sapnap knew it wasn't going to be easy getting used to things in the Nether. But he just tried his best, opening up a little. He tried to get used to all the creatures there, the same ones that he was told were dangerous and to avoid them at all costs. Nathan really helped with that little problem. He always took Sapnap around the Nether, talking to him about all the different biomes and how friendly the creatures there could be. Of course, a few of them attack if someone tried to hurt them. Just defending themselves, ya know?

Sapnap sighed, getting up from his bed and walking to a bookshelf that his parents had placed in his room. He looked through all the books, trying to find something would would at least entertain him for a few minutes. Sap decided to go with a book about pandas. Of course he went with a book about pandas.

He giggled as he read through the pages. Staring at all the photos of baby pandas for a good 20 minutes. He would move around on his bed, flipping onto his stomach and then his back, resting on his side, then sitting down, or just slightly dangling his top half off the bed. He was twisting in so many ways. That's when he started to understand why George and Dream would always say that he was flexible like a noodle.

"What are you giggling about?" Jackson asked, entering his room and closing the door behind him. Sapnap looked up at his father, a little smile on his face. "I'm just reading about pandas."

"I'm assuming that they're your favorite animal?" Jackson said as he sat down on the bed, looking at the book. Sapnap nodded, looking back down to the pages and flipping to the next one. Jackson chuckled at how happy and excited the ravenette was. The little sparkle in his eyes, the small sweet smile on his face. Jackson chuckled, "alright, I'll leave you to it. Oh and by the way, dinner is ready so you can come down to the kitchen when you're hungry."

"Thanks dad!" Sapnap said, motioning to him to leave the room so he could continue reading the book. Once the door closed, Sap closed the book. He decided to go on a little walk around the Nether by himself this time. He hasn't gone alone since he got there, he always had to go with someone. So, now was his chance, and he was going to take it.

Unknown Abilities ++ Georgenap/Sapnotfound ++ Demonic_0Where stories live. Discover now