Chapter 6

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As we are driving I make sure to have my gun on me. Travis was speeding so I had to be careful to not fly out. While on the road he called Liza. He told her we were on our way.


As we walk in we immediately went to Nick.
"Alicia. Alicia. We need the bucket. Alicia? Alicia, get the bucket." Maddy said while on the phone with the doctor.
While they are doing this I take the kids outside and said they can play with the neighbors as long as they stay in my eyesight. They ran off and played with Gladys in the bouncy house. I turned around to see Maddy getting in the car.
"Madison, where are you going?" I asked
"To the school, to get Nick medicine." She said
"Okay call me if you need help." I told her
Afterwords she drive of and I went inside. I saw Nick asleep so I went to my car and got my tools out to start working on the rv.

As I'm working on the rv I see Alicia come out the door with her backpack but then ran inside when we suddenly heard Nick start seizing.
"Turn him on his side, Alicia." I told her
"Not now! Don't do this to me, Nick. Not now! Don't you do this! Stay still. Shh." She told him


We finally made it to Liza's, when she started yelling at Travis.
"Why do I bother speaking? Seriously, why do I waste my breath?" She said
"Is he here?" Travis asked
"You think I'm lying to you?" She asked him
"We gotta find him. It's not safe. This virus that's going around, the shootings the past few days, is connected." Travis said
"What are you taking about?" She asked
"Didn't you see what happened on the freeway last night?" I asked
"I studied till 2:00, passed out." She said
"Well, people are getting sick. They get sick and get violent." Travis said
"And the cops shoot them." Liza said
"I've seen it." Travis said
"So have I." I told her
"You know what I've seen? Nothing." She said
"Liza it's going to get worse." I told her
"Well, I don't know what to tell you." She said
When she said that Travis found Lizas phone and called Chris. While Travis is on the phone with Chris, I turn on the news. Suddenly, I hear Travis say ptotest.
"I know where he is." I said


I'm outside with the kids at the neighbors after I finished working on the rv to sing happy birthday. When we are done singing happy birthday, Alicia came out yelling the power is out.
"Come on kids, time to go back. Thank you Emily, Diego for the party." I told them
The kids and I walk into the house and I told the kids to go play in Nicks room.
"Alicia I am going to be working on the circuits to get the power on in the house, call me if y'all need anything." I told her
"Okay, I will." She said

With Emma at protest:

We finally make it to the protest and start looking through the crowds for Chris.
"Chris!" We all yelled I don't know how many times by now
Finally we found him in the front.
As him and Travis are arguing Liza and I look at the body to see the shots. Finally we start leaving but suddenly see police with shields and batons.
"Come on. Come on." Liza yelled
"This way." Travis said
We turn on a sidewalk and see a man about to close his door.
"Excuse me sir. Can we come in, please?" Travis asked
"We're closed." The owner of the shop said
"Please, it's not safe out here. I mean, it's dangerous." Travis continued
"Go to the police." The man said
"No, I think they're the danger. I mean they're not letting anyone leave. We just need somewhere to ride it out. Please. Please?" Travis said
"Daniel, déjalos entrar y cierra la puerta." I heard a lady say
"Please." Liza added on
He let us in and locked the door. Travis goes towards the back and starts asking about roof access and back doors, when suddenly someone else comes out.
"Papa, I thought you were locking up." The girl said
"Ophelia, por favor vuelva a su habitación" he asked
"Are you okay" she asked
"were fine" he said
"Who are you?" she asked us
"Sorry, i'm Emma, this is Travis and his family. We just need somewhere to ride it out and then we'll go." I told Ophelia
"It's okay, Papa. Please, have a seat in there." She told us
"Thank you. Thank you. I'm sorry." Travis said
"gracias y lo siento por él." I told them.
"You know Spanish?" Daniel asked me
"Yes and many other languages too." I said
"We should probably turn the lights off. We don't want them knowing we are in here." I said
Ophelia turns the lights off as to not attract attention to us.
While waiting Griselda starts praying.
"Thank you." Travis said again
"Thank my wife." Daniel said back
"This is insane." Chris said as he was looking out the cracks to see what's happening
"Chris, get away from the window." Travis told him
"Chris, step back. Don't get to close to the window." I added
"You can't make anything out." Chris said
"You don't wanna see anything out there." Travis said
"What do y'all know? What have y'all seen?" Liza asked us
"I've seen what people do. What they don't do. It doesn't make sense. They don't die Liza. They... come back. We gotta get far away from the outside. All of us." Travis said
I just stayed quiet, not knowing if I should tell her or not.


I hear the door open and decided to stop working. I got the power for water and connection for phones working but lights will take a little longer. I walk out and see Maddy handing Nick oxy. I could tell something happen but I don't put much though into it. My phone suddenly goes off and I see it's Emma calling. I walk towards Nicks room where the kids are. I call them to the bed and I answer it.
"Emma?" I asked
"Luke. Luke?" I hear
"Emma? Hello" I asked again
"Can you hear me" she asked
"Yeah, babe, the kids and I are here." I said
"Hi mommy/mom." They said
"Hi babies are you all ok?" She asked them
"Yeah, mommy we're okay, we are playing uno." Vanessa told her
"Okay. That's good. Why don't y'all go back to playing while I talk to y'alls dad." She said
"Okay mom. Come back soon." They told her
"I will. I love you all." She said
"I love you too." They ask told her
"Hey babe what's up. Where are you?" I asked
"We're stuck at a barber shop somewhere. But we found Chris, so I'll be back soon. Don't worry I know what doing. I'll be home safe and sound with the others too." She told me
"Emma, if you need me call me. I got the connection working again, just like you showed me how"
I told her
"That's good, babe. I need you to do something. If I don't get to you by morning. I need you to leave with the kids. My mom probably won't leave without us, so I need you take the kids and go the house in the desert, okay. I will catch up with you, with the others." She said
"Babe, I can't do that. You know I can't." I said
"I don't care if you can't. You will because our kids need to be safe. Do you hear me. You need to keep them safe." She said
"Okay, but I'll wait till 10. You better be back by then." I said.
"I will. I love you. I gotta go. There are people shooting outside." She said
"Okay. Be safe. Love you too." I told her


As I hang up, I get my gun out from my holster and look out the window.
"Why do you have a gun?" Liza asked me
"For protection." I said
"For what? From who?" She asked me
"I'll explain later" I told her
Finally everything is quiet in the inside of the store while it's loud on the outside.

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