Chapter 7

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Chris and I were looking out the window. We saw a police car get flipped over and heard people cheering. But as we turned to look sideways a man popped up and had red eyes. Chris jumped back but I just grabbed my gun.

"Chris. Emma." Travis said
"Dad!" Chris exclaimed
"What do you see out there? I told you to stop looking." Travis told Chris
"Some guy, he was-- he was messed up, dad." Chris told Travis
"Just come away from the window. Both of you." He told us but Chris didn't listen and still looked out while I sat down.


"Good night, babies. Sweet dreams." I said to the kids
"Night daddy/dad" they said back. I was about to blow the candle out until Olivia ask for me to keep it on. I slowly close the door after knowing they fell asleep.

I go into the living room to see Nick breaking the pills.

"Oh, come on, Nick. Please, just swallow them." Maddy asked him
"No, it takes to long to absorb. I'm not there yet." He told her
"The idea is to wean you off The pills, not to get--" Maddy continued until Nick stopped her
"Um, who's The expert?" Nick said
Maddy started getting up and headed towrds The kitchen
"Hey, mom, I need more." Nick told her
"No shit. Later." she told him. Which I laughed at.
"Well, how much do we have?" he asked
"We have enough to get you east. Dont worry." she told him
"And then you howl at The Moon. Look, Travis and Emma Will be here! We'll go." Maddy said
"You sure?" Nick said
"There coming." Maddy said at the same time I said
"They will be here. Have faith your sister knows what she is doing."
Maddy walked away while I went with kids


I'm finally sitting down thinking of how to handle the situation.
"As soon as this settles down, we move. Go back The way we came, get to the truck and we're gone." Travis told us
"We going to go back to Madison's ayer this?" Chris asked
"Yes, we are." I old him
"No one's talking to you." Chris said to me. I had to resist the urge to hit him.
"Yes, we are going and don't talk to Emma that way, ever again." Travis told him
"Why can't we just leave? Just us." He continued
I laughed to myself before getting up looking through The window ignoring the conversation.

Suddenly, I hear glaad breaking next to us and know that people are breaking in next door.
"There breaking in next door." Ophelia told us
"Well, we're safe here. They won't come in here." Travis said and I has to diste with him in that. People do stupid things.
"How do you know?" Liza asked
"What are they gonna steal, Combs? The police Will have it siete in an hour, two tops." Travis told her
I wanted to say no they won't but that will just make the situation more difficult.

"Puedo usar su bano, por favor?" I asked Daniel
"Si, go ahead, sólo tienes que ir derecho y girar a la izquierda" he said

I make it to the bathroom and take my phone out calling Luke. He picks uo after three rings.
"Hey, hon."
"Hey, babe. Are you on your way back. We miss you over here."
"No, I got stuck but I promise i'm coming home."
"Okay, be safe."
After that we hung up and I left the restfoom to see Chris feeling the wall yelling at Travis to feel it.

"We got to go." Liza said
I feel the wall and immediatly start taking my gun out, preparing myself for outside.
"Stay close. Get to the truck." Travis said
As soon as everyone was ready Travis opened the door. People started barging in, while we went outside. All I saw was a zombie eating a cop. I make it to Travis staying behind Chris while Travis takes lead. We start running heading towards the truck getting pass all the chaos.

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