Chapter 8

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I decided to go on top of the roof and watch what's happening outside standing guard for the house. I have my gun and night vision goggles on to have better sight outside.


As we are running, we go through a barricade, keeping close to one another.

As we are about to go down the stairs I hear Ophelia and Daniel yelling. I turned around and saw Griselda injured.
"Dad" chris yelled
We all lift the barricade she was under and grab her. Travis picks her up, while I take the lead. We finally see the truck.
"Chris, open the trunk." I told him
We put Griselda in and Ophelia, Daniel, Liza, and I stay in the back sith them so we could check her foot. Travis starts the truck and we get out of there.

"Careful. Careful. You're hurting her." Ophelia told us.
"Ophelia let us do our job. You are not helping." I told her
"Griselda, en una escala del 1 al diez , cuánto duele?" I asked her
"Diez" she said crying.

I turned around to Travis to tell him to speed up. We go by the hospital and I see it in chaos. People running and the dead. They are everywhere. We drive past it.

"Where do we go to next?" Travis asked
"Another hospital" Liza told him
"No, they will all be like that." Daniel said
"Take us home. I have my medical supplies there. I can fix her up, until then." I told him

As we drive home, we see the power completely go off throughout the city. I have Liza hold her leg while I grab my gun looking out the car.


As I saw the power completely go off in the house, I head inside to make sure everything is okay. I check on the kids and then go towards the Clarke family. I see them with the lights flashing outside.

"Get away from the windows. Close the blinds." I told them
Nick comes towards me with Maddy.
"We need to tell Alicia." He said
"No she hasn't seen anything yet. She might not have to." Maddy said
"Maddy,no offense but this isn't gonna end." I told her
"I dont care. Alicia, come down here." She yold her
As we went down to the living room we heard a noise. I immediatly grabbed my knife out of the holster and held my finger up to them to be quiet. We heard more scratching and I went towards it.

"Luke." Maddy said
"Shh!" I told her
I slowly walk towards the noise and go to open the curtains.
"Don't open it!" Maddy and Alicia screamed out
As I opened them I only saw a dog. I opened the door and let it in. It went straight to Nick.
"It's okay. It's okay. Hey, hey, hey." he said to it. But as he was petting it I saw blood.
"What is that? Is he hurt?" Madison asked
"I don't think that is his blood." He said

As he said that the dog started barking and running towards the door. Nick and ai followed and lookef out the blinds to see Mr. Dawson dead standing in the streets. He starts walking to the house.

"Okay, you guys just go lock yourselves in the rooms. I will call y'all when everything is cleared." I told them
"No. The Trans they have a shotgun in the house. I tried stealing it once." Nick said heading towards the back to go and get it.
"Alicia, stay close." Madison said as they all leave

I decided to stay with the kids hearing movement from there. I go up there and see them up.
"Daddy, what is with the noise?" Vanessa asked
"It's just a dog. I need y'all to stay quiet for me okay. Can you do that for me." I asked them
"Okay dad/daddy." They said
I blew out the candle and put my night vision on grabbing my gun. I grabbed the kids and told them to go hide in the closest for me. After knowing they are safe, I wait after I stopped hearing the barking, but as soon as that stopped I hear a car pull up.


We finally make it to the house but I noticed something odd. The lights were turned off. Luke said he got them on. Travis and I get out of the car telling the other a to wait.
"Madison" Travis said
"Luke" I said
Soon after Liza and Chris come inside the house
"I asked you to stay in the car." Travis said
"Were staying with you." Liza told him
"Looks like no ones here dad." Chris said
I knew he was wrong cause the cars were still here.

As Travis continued walking I heard the noisd. I decided to follow it. I went down the hallway and saw Luke.
"Luke. Honey, omg." I said running up to him hugging him
"Emma, babe I've missed you." He said
"Where is everyone." I asked
"The kids are in the room and your siblings and mom are at the trans." He told me
"Why?" I asked
"There's a zombie in here. They went to get agun before I could tell them to stay. The kids are safe but we have to find it and kill it." He said

As he said that we started walking towards the noise we kept hearing. We made it to the living room and saw Travis being attacked by a zombie and mom holding a gun. Luke and I took our guns out just as Daniel grabbed the shotgun from mom and all shot the zombie, killing it.
Mom and the others yelled out. Chris ran out and threw up. I looked around wondering where Alicia was, until I heard screaming.
"Go to the kids, Luke." I told him running to where I heard Alicia yelling
"Alicia!!" I yelled out for her
"Help!" I heard her say
We reached Alicia and saw her on the ground with Chris. She got up and came towards mom and I.
"What's wrong with su-su?" She asked
"Susan." Mom said
"She sick." Liza said
"Was she bitten?" Travis asked
"I can't tell." Liza said
"She's not sick. She's dead." Nick told them
"Well, that's--that's not Matt. He--hes not like that. Mom, sissy, Matt's not like that. That's not him. That's not Matt!" She cried out
"Why should you say that?" Travis asked Nick
"Because he's right. I explained it to y'all. These are not sick people. They are dead. Youe either understand that or you will become dead." I told them walking away.

I head inside the house towards the room to see Luke with the kids.
"Mommy!" They yelled
"Hi my babies. Did y'all miss me." I asked hugging them
"Yes." They said
"Are y'all ready to go on a roadtrip?" I asked
"Yeah, mommy we are." Cameron said
"Well okay. How about we combined these two beds and have a sleepover?" I asked them
"Yay!" They screamed

After setting up the beds, I went to the living room with my medical bag.
"Okay I have some wrap for your foot." I said to Daniel and them
I started wrapping her foot and gave her some pain meds. After I finished Travis started talking.
"Uh, we'll set up your mom in one of the bedrooms, okay?" Travis told Daniel
"Thank you" Ophelia told him
"Aren't we leaving?" Mom aksed
"Yeah, yeah, we will. In the morning." Travis told her
"No Travis, we have to go. We're packed, we're ready. We were just waiting for Emma and you to get back." Mom said
"Can we talk about this in the kitchen?" Travis asked
"No. This thing is getting worse. It's not safe." Mom told him
"Madison, I think Travis is--" Liza said
"No, you be quiet Liza. If my mom wants to leave, we can leave. It is jit up to you." I said interrupting her
"Thank you, baby." Mom told me
"I wanna go. I don't wanna stay here." Alicia came up next to mom on the other side
"Hold on. It it dark. We don't even know if the freeway is passable." Travis said and I couldn't help but agree, knowing it would be better to stay then leave.
"You expect us to wait here?" Mom asked
"We'd be blind out there. It's dangerous." Travis said
"And this isn't?" Mom said
"Mom, Travis has a point. We can wait here till morning and luke and I will keep watch until then okay. How does that sound?" I asked
"Okay, but if we are staying here, Travis you deal with Peter." She said
"Okay." We agreed

"Daniel, Ophelia, Griselda, you can have Alicia's room. Liza, Chris we have a guest bedroom you can stay in. Nick you have your room. Alicia you can I either bunk with the kids, Luke, and I or share a room with Nick?" I said
"I'll share a room with Nick, I guess." She said
"Okay, glad that is settled, now if you will excuse me I have to go cuddle with my kids. Luke will take first watch." I said

I finally made it to the room and told Luke about everything. He got up and headed towards the roof before saying he will get me in six hours. I slept with the kids until it was my turn.

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