Chapter 13

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As we walked in, we saw everyone packing.
"Mom!" I yelled walking in
"Emma! Are you all ready? We are almost done, just packing ul the rest of our stuff." She said
"Yeah. The car is full and we can leave whenever you are ready." I said
"Can you or Luke go look for Alicia and Chris. They haven't returned yet." She asked
"No problem, Mom. I'll go get them." Luke said
As he was about to leave, they came rushing in.
"Mom, what's going on?" Alicia asked
"The military moving out, so were moving out too." She said
"I thought this was getting better." Alicia said
"They're retreating, Alicia. We can't stay here. It's not safe anymore. We are gonna get Nick and leave." I said
"And where will we go?" She asked
"To the desert like we originally planned." Mom said
We all walked to the cars, Luke grabbing the girls, while I had Olivia. Cameron behind us.
"Cameron stay with your siblings. Your dad and I are going to go talk with someone real quick." I said
"Okay, mom." He said as Luke and I locked the car.

We went to the Trans house and went downstairs.
"Did you find it?" I asked
"Yes. It's close to their base. We can use it." Daniel said
I saw him look at the gun and signaled Luke
"I think he has given us all the information he has." Daniel said raising his gun
"No. No, we still need him." Travis said
"Daniel, I may be a soldier, but not all of us are bad." I said
"That may be. But what if he escpaes and warns the others." Daniel said
"Then I'll take responsibility for that. Let Emma and I take him. He can come with Us and the kids in the car." Luke said
"Wait, what!?" I asked
"Babe, we are better suited in these situations. He doesn't seem like a person who would cause harm to us or the kids. " he said
I think about it for a few moments before agreeing.
"Fine but if you harm a single hair on my kids we will kill you in the most brutal way ever." I said looking at him
He shook his head and started mumbling. Mom goes and takes the tape off him
"I can show you how to get to him. I can show you the way inside." He said
"Why would you do that?" I asked
"Because you didn't let this guy kill me or leave me." He said
I go and untie him knsoing we had a mutual trust
"What are you doing?" Daniel asked
"Untying him." I said

After he was untied, we went to the cars.
"Who's he?" Cameron asked
"Hello. My name is Corporal Andrew Adams, but people call me Andy." He said
"He's going to be riding with us." I said
"OK. Cool." Cam said before going back to his game
I got in the passenger seat, while Luke drove. All I could hear was Andrew laughing and talking with Olivia. It made me smile that she could still laugh.
"Hey Andrew, let me see your hands, please?" I asked
He showed me his hands and I grabbed the first aid in the front. I gently put ointment and wrapped his wounds.
"I'm sorry for what he did. I know it wasn't who took my brother, but you had information. Can you forgive me?" I asked
"Thank you. I understand, you wanted your brother but I didn't take him. But yes I can forgive you and your husband. Y'all have been nice, when you didn't have too." He said
We reached the entrance of our perimeter aa Daniel opened it.
"Mommy, are we leaving?" Vannie asked
"Yes, we are baby. We're going on a roadtrip." I said
"Do you want to listen to music?" I asked them
"Yay. I want to listen to Harry Styles." The twins said
"Olivia?" I asked
"Harry styles, mama." She said
"Okay" I said playing sweet creature
As the song was playing we made it to the tunnel of the building.
"Okay. Stay in here for me, okay." I said
"K, mommy." They said
Andrew, Luke, and I all got out of the car.
"Be careful" I said
"We will. I will. I'll come back with him. I promise." He said
"Okay." I said kissing him
"Watch him for me, please?" I asked Andrew
"Yes, ma'am." Andrew said as they walked inside
"Alicia, Chris stay in the car no matter what. Don't come out. I'll handle anything that comes our way." I said
As I saw them get in the car, I got in the drivers seat. I took my swords and knives out putting them in it sheaths and hiding them. I then grabbed my M16 hanging it on my back, pistols in it's holder. I may be pregnant, but I damn well know how to protect myself.

As I was sitting in the car, I saw Alicia and Chris get out. Oh my god these kids I said thinking.
"Babies, mommy is going to go do something real quick. I need you to be quiet for me, okay." I said
"Okay, mommy/mom." They said
I got out of the car and walked towards them with my sword in hand. As I was going to say something I heard a noise.
I ran to Alicia and Chris.
"Get in the car. Now!" I whispered yelled
As they got in, I went behind the other cars. I counted three men. I could take them.
I slowly watched them as they got closer to the car before I saw one lagging. I stabbed him in the head before he could shoot. I caught his body and went to Alicia's side of the door. I threw my knife at him before running to Chris side and slicing the man's throat. After I killed them, I stabbed them through the head taking my knife back. I moved the bodies and knocked on the door.
"Alicia, Chris it's safe for you to come out now." I said
As they got out they looked around
"Where are they?" Chris asked
"Somewhere. Stay in the car this time." I said walking back to my car with the kids.


As we ran, we saw a lot of hallways, luckily Andrew was a good guide. Finally, we made it inside. We found where they held the people.
"Nick!" I yelled looking around for him
I couldn't find him though
"This way!" Andrew yelled
We followed him and finally found him... But he was stuck
"Passcode!" I screamd suddenly Liza came and opened the door after three tries.
"Hurry!" I screamed shooting at the dead
We went downstairs being careful of our surroundings. Suddenly we were surrounded. I started shooting them until we went to the cafeteria. After we we're cleared from the dead, Andrew showed us towards the back. We entered what looked like a hospital.
As we took a breather, Nick came up to me with a guy.
"Luke, this is Strand." He said introducing us
"Nice to meet you. I hear you have military experience." He said
"Yes and so does my wife." I told him
"where are my sisters?" Nick asked
"We had them stay behind. There watching the kids and vehicles." I said
After that we started moving again
We were finally outside. And all I saw was ash. They burnt the bodies.
Ofelia started crying. We left for them to have a moment. Finally, we made it back.

"Emma!" I yelled


"Emma!" I heard
I looked out and saw Luke and the others. There back. I got out and immediately hugged him.
"Luke!" I screamed hugging him
As he released me I went towards the others while he went to the kids.
"Nick! I missed you." I said hugging him
"Sissy, I missed you, too." He said hughing me back
"Why is the suv moved?" Mom asked
"There was an incident, but I handled it. " I said
"It was cool, dad. She killed these three men all with her sword and knives." Chris said
"Okay, let's not go into detail. Come on we have to go." I said
As we got into ours cars, I didn't see Andrew.
"Andrew aren't you coming?" I asked
"No, I think I'll stay. I did this, so please let me pay." He said
After that I got in the car and we drove off.

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