Chapter 11

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Morning came and we woke everyone up. We all ate breakfast then headed to mom's.
"Hey mom." I said as I walked in
"Hey, baby." She said kissing my forehead
"Where is everybody?" I asked
"Nick is walking. The salazar's are in the room, Liza and Chris I don't know, and Travis is talking go the commander in charge." She told me
"Why?" I asked
"A neighbor of ours, Doug. He disappeared last night." She said
I wanted to question her more but knew she didn't have the answers
"Hey, mom. Luke and I have something to tell you." I told her
"What is it, hon?" She asked
"I'm pregnant. We meant to tell you earlier but there hasn't been time." I said
"Oh, that's great I'm gonna be a grandma again. How far along?" She asked
"I'm 30 weeks along. I've just been hiding the pregnancy." I said
"Oh, baby. That's great. Do you know what your having?" She asked
"It's a boy. But don't tell the kids yet, we want to suprise them." I said
She hugged me and Luke until we couldn't breath. She was so happy. Now the only people left is Nick, Travis, and the kids.

After that I told Luke to take the kids home. I wanted to talk to Nick still.
I found him outside by the pool.
"Hey Nicky." I said
"Hey sis. What's up?" He asked
"I just wanted to show you something." I said showing him my pregnant.
"Oh my god! Your pregnant. I'm going to be an uncle." He said excited
He came out of the pool and pocked me up being gentle.
"Yeah. You are... In about 10 weeks." I said
"Oh, this is great. Boy or girl?" He asked
"Boy, this time." I said
"Yes. We need more guys." He said happily
We talked for a few more minutes before some lady came out here with Liza.
"Hey Emma. Can I talk to Nick, please?" She asked
"Why. Who is she?" I said defensively
"Hi, Ms. Hobbs. I'm Dr. Exner. I'm here to check on Nick." She said
"Why? He's fine. I've checked him myself and I'm pretty sure I'm more certified than you." I said with attitude
"Emma, it's fine." Nick said
I looked at him and then nodded
"Fine, but I'm staying. Eliza,you can go" I said sitting next to Nick, giving her a look.
"I would prefer if she could stay?" Dr. Exner asked
"Why? She won't be any help. She's not even family." I said
"Ummm... I'll just go." She said
"Good idea." I said watching her leave
"Now ask him want you wanted too or leave." I told 'Dr. Exner'.
"I understand you may be in need of methadone." She said
"Well I would love methodone if I was trying to kick, which I've already done." Nick said while she looked at his eyes
"When's the last time you used?" She asked
"Uh, I don't know. When did the world end? Couple of days before that." He asked
"Twelve days ago." I said
As she was checking his heart Travis came in
"What's this?" He asked
"Apparently a check up." I said
"An overdue house call. I'm Dr. Exner." She said
"Um, is there something wrong with Nick?" He asked
"No, there's nothing wrong with him, but this lady seems to think so, apparently." I said
"Nah, I'm fine. But your ex-wife. She's a narc. Told this lady I was the neighborhood dope fiend." Nick said. I laughed at this
"Are you the one who decides who goes to this facility?" Travis asked
"Well, I have some help, but, yes." She said
"Does that mean I can't go whenever since I'm higher rank that all you officers here?" I asked
"Ms. Hobbs, you are not a soldier anymore, I don't think you have rank anymore." She said
"Dr. Exner, when you leave the military your rank stays with you. And you better remeber I'm a world renowned surgeon. Better than you." I said snarkily at her before getting up.
"Dr. Exner, I believe your house call is done." I said
"Wait Ms. Hobbs, I still need to check you and your household." She said
"Yeah. No. If you have an issue with that  then bring it up with one of the soldiers until then you come near my house or my kids, I'll kill you." I said threateningly
"Emma!" Travis yelled
"Yes Ms. Hobbs." She said
"It's Dr. Clarke or Lt. Clarke, to you." I said as I showed her the way out.

I go inside the house and lay down and relax. It's finally night time and decide to call Luke.
"Hey, babe." I said
"Hey, hon. When you coming home?" He asked
"I'm on my way right now." I said leaving the house
"Okay, see you then." He said hanging up

As I was going back, I heard a lot of commotion. Coming from my house. I run back and see Nick being dragged.
"Nick!!" I yelled
I start running to get to him until I heard him yell
"No! Stay there." He yelled looking at my stomach
I stopped running and went to mom
"What happened!?" I yelled
"I don't know. They came in here and took him. Liza, she left with them. They took my boy." She said crying
"Oh, mom. Do you want to come with me?  Come to my house, okay. Grab a pair of clothes and come with me." I told her
"Alicia, baby, get some clothes. Your coming with me." I said
As they went to go get clothes, I turned to Travis
"Your ex-wife is a bitch. If I see her, I'm going to kill her. I'm taking mom and Alicia with me. It'll be good if there around the kids and us." I said with argument

As mom and Alicia came out, we headed to my house, where I had them go to sleep. After they fell asleep, I went to bed too.
"Hey, Luke, if you see a Dr. Exner or any soldier's on our property, I don't care what you do. You kill or injure them." I said
"Okay, babe. I will." He said pulling me closer to him before we fell asleep.

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