She Who Never Smiled Again

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The woman in the stall next to me started to wail loudly that night.

I wished I could go over and see if she was ok, but the chain around my ankle only allowed me to go so far.

"Are you ok?" I called over, hoping she would answer.

She just continued wailing and I asked again.

"NO!" she exclaimed, "what does it sound like to you!?"

"I'm so there anything I can do?"

"What can you do?" she asked, sounding angry. This startled me. I hadn't done anything to her.


"Shut up ok?" she groaned, "I am feeling like I'm about to die. That's how sick I feel, ok?"

I winced.

Where was Yoongi?

Even if he came, could he help her?

I heard the door next to mine open and slowly, the woman's cries of pain calmed down. I could hear whispering on the other side of the wall. Yoongi must have come.

He spent much of the time with her. I was happy he came...she seemed really distressed.

I still felt bad for not being able to help her. I felt helpless and powerless.

Finally, Yoongi came to me.

His face was grave and he hardly said a word as he gave me the food he brought.

"What happened to her?" I asked him.

He looked away, "She took out her chip."

I looked at him, shocked, "She didn't die did she?"

Yoongi didn't look me in the eyes and I knew that she had died.

"Yes," he said finally, "you heard her dying."

I looked at his hands that were resting on his knees. There was blood on them...her blood. She had really died.

It was just making me even more aware of the fact that could be Yoongi's fate if he took the chip out of his wrist.

What was more important? 

Being able to escape and be without him? I hated the fact that I would be leaving him behind.

I then wrapped my arms around him.

He seemed startled at first but then hugged me back.

"It's ok," he said over and over again, almost as if trying to convince himself that more than me.

"I will listen to you," I told him quietly, "I will leave here if you tell me how."

I felt Yoongi nod, "Please...yes."

I reluctantly made up my mind that I would escape and unfortunately leave Yoongi behind. It tore my heart to pieces.


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