Sick(Jatrina) 2/3

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Janet asked Bexx to take the kids for a small trip to the park while she was taking care of Katrina for the day. And now at this point she was irritated. "Just take the pill Katrina." She demanded. Katrina turned over and covered her body with her blanket. "No. Medicine is for the pathetic." The Russian defended. Janet sighed harshly and pulled the blanket off of her. "You're not going to get ANY better unless you take the things that are going to MAKE you feel better. This will make your fever go down and help your cough." Janet said calmly. Katrina groaned and sat up. Janet handed the Russian a glass of water and along with the pill. Katrina took it and placed the pill on her tongue. "Now swallow." Janet commanded. Katrina rolled her eyes and took a sip of water. She took the pill and immediately gaged. "Disgusting.." The Russian slightly mumbled. Janet sighed. "Don't be such a child." she sat down on the bed. "Besides,You'll feel better soon." Janet calmly claimed. Katrina shrugged. "Do you still feel hot?" Janet asked. "Is that even a question?" The Russian confidently said. Janet frowned. "Katrina." Janet said steadily. Katrina laughed a bit. "Yeah. I do. But it's only because of my fever." Katrina sighed. "and you thought it would be a good idea to lay under a whole winter blanket while your fever was spiking the way it was?" Janet asked in a serious tone. Katrina cocked an eyebrow. "How cute." Katrina laid back. Janet let out a defeated sigh. "Well.. maybe we could go to a nearby clinic and get you checked out. It may be a cold but you can't be too sure." Janet suggested. When Janet said that,Katrina's whole facial expression changed to an alarming one. "No." Katrina said as she laid back down. Janet blink repeatedly and squinted a bit at Katrina. "No??" Janet asked to verify. "No." Katrina said once again. "Are you afraid to go or something?" Janet asked. Katrina rolled around in the bed. "I don't believe in medical services." Katrina replied. Janet rolled her eyes. "what about if you're 'cold' doesn't go away in a few days,THEN we go see a doctor?" Janet asked calmly. "No." Katrina responded. Janet groaned and slapped the outside of the blanket gently. "You're a complete brat Trina." Janet implied.

(For some reason I love Katrina's nickname 💀)

"Can you at least put some clothes on?" Janet added slightly flustered by the Russian just in her bra and underwear. Katrina sat up. "It is the comfort of our own home." Katrina said teasingly. Janet scoffed obviously getting heated up by the comment. "Besides,I always sleep like this." Katrina put in "Still-" Janet was about to say something before the sound of the microwave beeping could be heard. "Did you make something?" Katrina questioned. Janet nodded and got up. "Yeah. I warmed you up some soup." Janet stretched. "Aww,you spoil me too much." Katrina teased. Janet cocked an eyebrow as she turned around. She grabbed a close pillow and threw it at Katrina. "Shut up." Janet said as she walked out to get the food.

She came back in with the a bowel with steam dancing out of it as she placed it on Katrina's nightstand. "It's hot so be careful." Janet insisted. Katrina nodded and figured she let it cool off.

After about 30 minutes,Katrina had finished the soup Janet made her,and began to feel a bit sleepy. Janet was laying down next to her playing with her hair a bit. Katrina looked at Janet and stayed quiet for a bit. Before they heard Bexx come in with the kids. "Welp." Janet said as she got up. Katrina look upset for second and it was obvious. "I'll be back Katrina." Janet said calmly as she looked at her. "I could stay the night if you want.." she suggested. Katrina looked up. "I don't mind." Katrina smiled. Janet beamed and walked out the room.

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