Fourth of July 2

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(What have I made -? This is sort of Fourth of July related sort of not I don't know enjoy😭)

I'll put it this way,

The Fourth of July was tomorrow and too much time was on Janet's hands so she forgot to buy the most important things.

The fireworks. And then what do you know,her car breaks down. Absolutely terrific. Sasha, Katrina, Carol, and Marie were all over. Katrina didn't have a car and the other three women were picked up by Janet while Katrina stayed home with the kids. They were actually supposed to be cooking for the Fourth of July and was preparing the food for tomorrow.

But Janet needed to hurry up and get the fireworks. And everyone besides Carol decided to tagalong. Somebody had to watch the kids again. Surprisingly Riley didn't want to go. And she usually picked out the fireworks. Janet just hoped whatever she found Riley would enjoy along with the twins. But anyway the women would have to take the bus.

I don't know why but for some odd reason Ubers have been a little busy lately so hopefully buses weren't the same way. Janet didn't feel like having a whole interrogation with her mother over the phone just to convince her to borrow her car. Chad's license got suspended. So bus it was. All they really needed to do is head downtown and get a handful of fireworks.

Once they got on the bus it was surprisingly empty. And also very nice looking to say the least.

Sasha handed the bus driver guy all four of their tickets. "Here's our ticket-"
"Yeah alright babe. Take a seat." The man said lowly while he shooed the women off.
"I can't believe this shit." Marie sighed.
it was obvious that the bus driver was a complete asshole.
All four of the women were slightly disappointed but it was either that or no fireworks this year at all. Marie only tagged along because she didn't wanna be stuck with Carol and the kids.
"Ya know speaking of fireworks and going downtown,have you ever seen the firework show down there?" Sasha spoke up.
"They have firework shows around there?" Janet asked.
"Da. I've actually never been. But my friend always sends me videos of their fireworks and they're really-"
The best driver tried to jump in the conversation. "Downtown's firework show huh? Ya know-"
"literally nobody's talking to you." Marie
"The vehicle is supposed to be moving not your mouth" Sasha said.
"Just drive the damn bus,bus driver." Katrina put in.

"So fucking nosy." Janet mumbled.
(Bus driver slander)
"Oh-"💔 The bus driver quieted.
"That's what's wrong with you women nowadays. you don't give men a chance to make a move or even speak." When he said that it sounded a little forced as if he was tempted not to say it at all. But when he said it it also sounded like he was kidding however none of them took it gently.

"You men feel like you're some kind of gift to society. Not trying to say you're all like that. But something tells me this isn't your first time getting rejected. So you should be used to it by now. Then women decide to- and heavy quotations here,'give you a chance', only for you to feel like you're completely irresistible so you go torment other females." Sasha deeply replied.
"Plus You're literally a bus driver." Marie shook her head.
"You wanna know why I became a bus driver,hot stuff? because my grandfather was actually hit by a bus similar to this one. And specifically on the Fourth of July as well. I became a bus driver to show that unlike the driver who hit my grandfather, I can keep people safe. Even the pedestrian. No matter how silly it may be."(he lyin)

it went silent.

"No need to feel bad now ladie-"
"It honestly wasn't that serious." Sasha scoffed.
"I genuinely don't care." Katrina looked to side.
"Your grandfather was a speed bump." Marie snickered.
"Plus getting hit by a moving vehicle is cliché. If you're going to die at least make your death different form every other scenario. Your grandfather's too- or WAS too old to be getting hit by cars or trucks. He knew how walking cluelessly in the streets could end" Katrina added once again thickening her accent.
"You guys- what the fuck-" Janet said in disbelief. Not knowing to laugh or not.
"What?!" Marie shouted.
"Don't say a single for the rest of time were in this bus." Janet said while she buried her face in her hands not knowing how to react to any of the things she just heard.
"Da. Don't forget he's driving he might try to kill us all.." Katrina claimed.
"You we're just tag teaming him a minute ago." Marie shrugged.
"You're going to hell." Janet sighed.
"And you're not?!"

It went quiet once again.

The rest of the bus ride was completely awkward. The driver didn't say a single thing to the women after the incident. Once they arrived to the firework market. All four of them quickly got off the bus. Mari turned around to see the bus driver glaring at her. She honestly didn't care that much.

"Alright- do you shop for fireworks..?"
Sasha asked.
Janet raised an eyebrow. "You've never bought fireworks?"
"Well no. The people who I usually celebrate with do the shopping."
"Well I guess just pick the ones you like."
"I honestly don't care. I just want to get back to the house it smells burnt in here." Marie groaned.
"You could had just stayed- never mind."

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