Old friends? 1/?

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"I refuse."

"Come on! It won't be THAT bad."

"Would you want to hang out with your sister for a day?"


"That's exactly what I thought!" Katrina huffed and sat down at kitchen table. Janet sighed and and walked towards her. "Look,I know how Marie can be but this is something we really need to work on considering we are dating now so you're going to see A LOT of her now and days." She said deeply. Katrina looked at her with a disappointed look. "Fine.." She sighed as she got back up.

"Is she coming over here or something?"

"How hell no,I don't have time for her shit. Instead,You're going out. It's a nice day after all." Janet shrugged. Katrina let out a irritated whine. "Why can't I stay here with you??" She asked. "Because Carol's coming over for lunch." Janet sighed. Katrina cocked an eyebrow. "Carol? Really??" She asked. "I figured we BOTH needed to work on talking to people we don't really like." Janet chuckled. "I guess that's fair."  Janet Smiled and handed the Russian her coat. " that still doesn't mean I want to gooo." The Russian dramatically whined. Janet rolled her eyes. "I swear I won't make you ever again. This is just to see how you guys are going to do from now on. Also maybe you can break the ice with her."
"Ugh..Fine..but I won't like it." Katrina mumbled. Janet smiled and kissed Katrina as she handed her the Russian's jacket. Katrina slid in on and put her shoes on by the door. "So where are we going??"
"To the café around the corner. It's closest to house."
"So Have fun." Janet added. "And if she tries anything,Call or text me."
"Don't worry I will. I'll also tell you I was right when I get back." Katrina chuckled as she stepped outside and shut the door.

Katrina and Janet had walked to the Café once before. So she decided to walk there to meet up with Marie. Katrina already knew Janet probably told Marie about the two meeting up already anyway. Katrina was surprised the most that Janet really wanted to fix their relationships with the people around them. It was obvious it was suggested by her therapist, But Katrina didn't mind. She actually thought it was very sweet of Janet. But it was obvious she wasn't ready two try it out with Marie. But Carol was a start. Sure Janet didn't exactly think much of Carol, but that didn't matter.
After about 10 minutes, Katrina was there. She saw Marie waiting by one of those outside tables while she typed away on her phone. Katrina took a deep breath before approaching her.
"Uh- Hey,Mar-"
"Mhm,Yeah. Be a doll and order me a medium Caramel Macchiato with some cream,will ya? Thanks,you're the best."

Katrina cringed at the rude interruption. But stayed content since she was only doing this for Janet. She walked inside the café and started taking the order.
-  -  -  -

A small knock on the door was to be heard. Janet got up from the couch already knowing who it was. She walked over to the door and of course and opened it only to see it was Carol. "Janet!" Carol excitedly said. "Hey Carol.." Janet smiled softly. "Oh,I am just so thrilled you invited me over to hang out! Where's Katrina? Is she joining us?" Carol asked as she walked in.
"No. She's out with Marie."
"Wait- Marie??"
"i'll explain later. What do you want to do? I have snacks and playing cards."
-  -  -  -
Katrina and Marie stayed in complete silence. Marie paid more attention to her phone than the person right in front of her. Katrina took a sip of her drink. All she ordered was icewater because she wasn't really a coffee person. And since she couldn't really drink vodka in a working environment including a public one, icewater it was. Katrina took a few glances at Marie and started thinking of things to say. But nothing really came to mind. It had only been about 20 minutes and Katrina was already ready to go home.

"So...What do you want to do after this..?"
"Nothing with you. I don't even wanna be here.
"Right.. do you think I do?"
Marie slammed her phone on the table. "Well why are you here then?"
"Because Janet wants us to get along."
"Janet,Janet,Janet. It's so pathetic how you do anything she says."
"What are you talking about Marie? I don't even think you get why she wants us to-"
"I'm so done with this stupid meet up bullshit."
Marie got up and wasn't paying attention and she grabbed Katrina's phone instead of hers.
"Come on Marie-"
Katrina stood up and was about two calm Marie down before a motorcycle zoomed passed almost hitting the two women. "WHAT THE FUCK. ASSHOLE. THIS ISN'T A STREET." Marie shouted. The both of them noticed that the motorcycle was a food delivery motorcycle. It had a "Food-Dash" logo on it and also a phone number. Katrina really didn't think much of it. Just some dumbass person. Little did she know it was completely personal.
-  -  -  -
Janet and Carol were actually getting along. Janet noticed how fun Carol could be. A few knocks on the door was heard by the two women. "Were you expecting anyone?" Carol asked. Janet shook her head as she got up. "It might be Katrina." She chuckled. She walked over and opened the door only to see it was no other than Sasha. "Oh- hey Sasha what's up?"
"Hello Janet. Is Katrina here? We were supposed to be going to a shooting rink."
"No- uh- She's actually out at the moment."
"Oh.. облом(bummer)"
"But..me and a friend are hanging out. Maybe you would want to join. If you want to."
"Sorry. I'm flattered but, I'm not into threesomes. Or Woman in General."(you lyin about the Woman part but ok.)

Carol choked on the water she was drinking. "WHA- NO. We're JUST playing cards! What the hell??" Janet explained. "Oh-" Sasha laughed a bit. "Sure I guess." She walked in and took off her heels. "Hi.." Carol smiled and waved while wiping her mouth a bit. "Привет"(Hi) Sasha beamed as she sat down. Janet shook her head at the event as she closed the door. "Katrina hasn't called or texted so things must be going good.." She thought to her self.
-  -  -  -
"Marie will you calm down?? I'm seriously trying my hardest to get along with you but you're making it pretty difficult."
"No. I'm going home."

They kept walking. The two women had already left the café and Katrina was just following her trying to get her to stop. They roamed around a small outside area with benches here and there.
"Why? why can't we just get along for like one second??"
"Because you're not even trying to for me. You're just trying to because Janet asked you to"
"You're not trying at all Marie! I just don't get why you're even-"
"Because I can't stand my sister!"
Katrina stopped on the tracks and so did Marie after a few seconds before she turned around.
"And you wanna know something else? If you haven't noticed, I DON'T LIKE YOU."


"And I never will. Once I get you out of the picture my dear sister will go back to being the same old depressed ,Muted, couch potato She was before she met you. End of story."


"Nothing new. And you can go back to Canada or Michigan- or hell,Russia- Where ever the hell you came fr-"

Suddenly, Katrina grabbed Marie in a position where she was buried in the Russians chest. Almost like a hug. A loud clunking noise was heard.('someone' threw a metal box from the motorcycle from earlier, at Katrina. The person driving the motorcycle delivers food so that's where the food is stored.) If it wasn't for Katrina blocking Marie,She would've been hit hard. Katrina was silent. The same motorcycle from earlier was seen in the distance and the person that was driving was standing up in a combat position. "Are you ok Marie???" Katrina said sternly as she kept her eyes on the motorcycle driver. Marie was stunned. She looked up a bit and then looked to the right to see the box on the ground. The person started running up to the two women which made Katrina push Marie out the way before she got a punch to the chest. She groaned slightly before looking up.

"Привет(hello)Katrina. Miss me?" The deep yet,playful voice said. Marie didn't know what to do so she started screaming to get others attention. No one was around but she had nothing to lose at that point. The person was wearing a solid helmet that was literally everything proof. Nothing could break it I suppose. The person was about to take a swing at Marie to shut her up before they were harshly shoved by Katrina. Katrina was a bit dizzy from the blow to the head so she couldn't really think what to do at that moment. The person felt Katrina release her grip as she fell to the ground. All that was going through Marie's head was,

"Katrina protected me Katrina protected me."

Marie started running away from the scene in a panic. "What the hell what the hell??!" She thought to herself. "The same Bitch who's relationship I was sabotaging actually protected me?! 3 times even!" She put in. After she got far enough,she remembered she had her phone. She Immediately grabbed it out of her pocket only to see it wasn't hers, but Katrina's. "DAMMIT." She yelled. There was a passcode. Marie was terrified for Katrina. And already knew she would feel absolutely terrible if anything happened to her. When all felt like it was lost. she got a Notification - Well Katrina did. It was a message from Janet that said,

"Glad you must be having fun,Trina. Sasha's over here too. See you at home."

She put the phone back in her pocket and started running as fast as she could. It really sucked nobody was around. But she knew that Janet's house wasn't far from the café her and Katrina were at. And she didn't have time to get her car and pull it around. So running it was.

- - - -
"So where are your children?" Sasha said as she laid a card down on the table. "Over my moms" Janet explained. "And my trouble makers are being babysat by Bexx. A babysitter Janet suggested." Carol smiled. "Oh that's-"
Before Sasha could finish her sentence a loud banging on the door echoed throughout the house. "Oh come on." Janet sighed and she opened the front door once again only to see it was Marie. "Marie? You guys are back early. Where's..Katrina?" Janet asked. Marie was breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. "Are you ok-?"
Marie looked up at Janet before busting out in tears "Help meeeee!" She sobbed.
"Huh?" Janet looked around before looking back at Marie. "Katrina's being attacked!" Marie added. Janet, Carol, and also Sasha looked at Marie like she was crazy before thinking through the words that just came out of her mouth. Sasha immediately got up "Attacked?" She asked.

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