Chapter 1: Dying and Reviving

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Father's/Gaster's POV:

A winding mountain road, and a dark night with heavy rain. What could go wrong? Exactly what you think, a massive landslide. Luckily, well if you could call it luck, my kids were asleep when we... died, so I don't think they were in pain. I can't say the same for myself though, being crushed with a literal ton of rocks and dirt really hurt. Honestly that should have been it, I'm dead end of story. But it wasn't, far from it in fact, I woke up dazed on the floor of some hallway. In front of me were a batch of notes and a clipboard, picking them up they were is a very weird font. But I could read it as perfectly as I could any other. Near the clipboard there was blood and a broken beaker, carefully picking it up I saw it was some sort of growth accelerant or growth hormone. It looked around half full by the look of the liquid on the floor. But that wasn't the thing that caught me off guard, what did was my hands. 

They were boney and had huge holes cut in them. I quickly found the closest reflective surface, a polished metal table. And examined myself, I was a skeleton, two cracks lined my skull one going down the other up. The one going up was fresh, it was still bleeding. I noticed the eye or eye socket with the new crack was blind, the lack of glow in it reflecting it unlike the other working eye. I wonder if I can fit that some how, this is my body now may as well try. I skimmed through the notes carefully but quickly, artificial life? Who ever I am now, they were working on the same thing I was in my past life. Interesting, I'll have to look around and see if they got as far as I did. Though the growth hormones are a good sign.

Looking around for more clues I noticed I was wearing a lab coat which isn't to abnormal for me seeing as I was a doctor and scientist. Inspecting farther I found a name tag. The tag read Dr. W.D. Gaster, Royal Scientist, that sounded so familiar for some reason. Thinking for it I remembered, he was a character in that game my kids loved. They went on for hours talking about and the fan made universes that it had. I always said that I reminded them of how Gaster was portrayed in the comics and stories. My seemingly cold nature, and logic over emotion mindset was just like his they said. My manner of speech seemed similar as well apparently. I walked around the place I found myself in, and discovered it was some kind of lab. Makes sense Gaster being a Scientist and all that. As I was exploring, I was suddenly flooded with a ton of memories that weren't mine, the pain was near ungodly, so much so I ended up passing out.

Eldest Child's/Sans's POV:

I don't remember what happened, we were returning home from my grandfathers funeral. After that, nothing, I woke up in a giant glass tube. Putting my hand on the glass I noticed two things, one it was small. Like a babies, two it was all bone. I panicked obviously, but what ever I was in had safety features. It released a drug that knocked me out, probably to stop me from having a heart attack. 

I woke up again later, but I wasn't sure how much cause the room didn't have windows. This time I kept as calm as possible, I didn't want to get drugged again. Looking around I saw another skeleton in a different tube. They looked smaller or younger than I did, my younger sibling possibly? Looking around carefully I really couldn't help but think this place looked eerily familiar. The familiarity was actually freaking me out again, but I couldn't place it. That was until Gaster walked in clutching his head. It looked like something fell on his skull cause the crack on the top was, bleeding? I guess if Sans bleed all skeletons can, who knows. 

He looked up at me in shock, he came over to the tube and, did something I'm not sure. Checked my stats maybe, after he did I saw him tear up and laugh I think. I couldn't hear him from the inside the tube or tank or whatever I'm in. He then walked over to the over skeleton and did the same thing, this time sitting on the floor. After a moment he got up, pouring a strange blue and orange mix from a broken beaker into a port that fed into the machines we were in. After that I was knocked out by whatever was in that mixture, I wonder how long I'll sleep this time.

Youngest Child's/Papyrus's POV:

I woke up in a heavy daze, the last thing I remember was a loud sound then nothing. I looked around at the room and saw what looked like a lab. Was I in the hospital, no I couldn't be. I was in some sort of tank, looking to my left I saw a small skeleton in another tank. This shocked me, I leaned in placing my hands on the glass. Which I just noticed were pure bones, I almost freaked out until I thought about it. This must be a dream, yea that had to it. I just have to wait till I wake up. Just then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, or eye sockets? Turning I saw... Gaster?! Was I in Undertale?! Was I Sans or Papyrus? I quicker looked back at the other tank and tried to focus on who was in it. 

I leaned closer and looked as close as I could. It was Sans, which meant I was my favorite Undertale character, yes! I can't wait, Papyrus is so cool, and popular, and amazing, and cute! I can't wait to meet everyone in the underground, I hope this isn't a bad AU like Underfell or something. Though I didn't see fangs on Sans or Gaster, so it probably isn't. Oh no, unless it's hand plates or something worse like Six Bones! These thoughts freaked me out, I guess to much cause the machine connected to the tank released a drug that made me sleepy. I hope this is a good AU...

Gaster/Fathers POV from Earlier:

I woke up once more on the floor, no shock there I did pass out. And I must say, my kids were right, I am a lot like Gaster. Except for being more caring, so I'd say I can easily take Gaster's place. The memories helped me learn how to use magic, it's simple almost instinctual in all honestly. With very little practice I should be able to master it completely. But for now I have no time, I saved as much Growth accelerant as I could and filled the broken Beaker. Heading to the tanks were the two artificial monsters should be, and was shocked to see 1-S as they were labeled was already awake. I walked over and checked their stats of course, and was shocked. 


Name: 1-S aka Sandra Gaspar aka Sans

Gender: Female

Lv: 1


Atk: 10 (1,000)


HP: 125

Is the reincarnated daughter of William Davis Gaspar the current soul of Gaster's body.

I was in shock, I wasn't the only one reincarnated. Not only that the artificial life form that Gaster made was housing my daughters soul. Wait, if she's in Sans could it be? I go over to 2-P, Papyrus by process of elimination. and use check on him.


Name: 2-P aka Parker Gaspar aka Papyrus

Gender: Male

Lv: 0

Exp: 0

Atk: 10 (1,500)

Def: 60

HP: 2500

The reincarnated son of William aka Gaster, will most like enjoy this the most of anyone.

Yes I was right! Now I just had to accelerate their growth a bit, not to much just enough so they can walk and talk. Luckily the amount of Growth Accelerant I saved should just be enough. I poured it in the port and watched as it was infused into the suspension fluid. Soon after Sandra err, Sans fell asleep. With my relief I grew tired, so I decided to take a quick nap in one of the sleeping quarters in this lab. This place is so ✋︎☠︎❄︎☜︎☼︎☜︎💧︎❄︎✋︎☠︎☝︎📬︎ (Translation: Interesting.) ((Though it's in all caps as Gaster always speaks in Uppercase))

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