Chapter 7: A Picnic, Panic, And An Unexpected Arrival!

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The weekend came rather quickly, to quickly for Sandra and TK who were still trying to mentally prepare for their date. Gaster and Quantum playing the part of chaperones. Blue and Raspberry made the picnic food, while Cinnamon prepared the basket with everything they needed. And while the Gasters were the chaperones, the rest of the house weren't going to miss out watching. The portal makers of the house opening one way portals to watch. Some of the Fells, and Dark Sanses, had made bets on how the picnic would play out. It was like they were watching a teen romance drama on tv, some of them even getting snacks, and drinks to pass out. Meanwhile, the two on the date were nervous as hell. Neither of them had done anything like this, and it was kinda scary. After the chaperones set up the picnic, they basically left them to walk around the park. Not to far away but far enough not to make it to awkward.

It actually helped a bit, who needs their parents hovering over them on a date. They were both around a couple hundred years old already, total teenagers in skeleton years. Though that didn't really help when it came to the situation. Meanwhile close by, Juno and Riel were hiding in the bushes watching the two. Trying their best to fight their jealousy, and failing. 

Juno: "This isn't fair, I wanted to be the first to take Sans on a date."

Riel: "Hmpf! He should have asked me."

Juno: "Heck I'd have even taken a 2 on 1 date over not being on it to begin with."

Riel: "You said it sister."

Sandra: "... We can hear you..."

TK: "Heck we can see your faces... you really suck at spying."

TK got a bit of a chuckle in seeing their faces sticking out of the bush as they acted like they were still hidden. Sandra on the other hand felt embarrassed and guilty, she had gotten TK's first date. A big achievement but also... her friends were that jealous of it? 💡 Suddenly she had an idea, remembering something from her AU and original world.

Sandra: "If your that jealous, wanna join? you said a 2 on 1 was okay right? what about a 3 on 1 date?"

Everyone was in total shock by this, some Sans spat their drinks, a Papyrus or two straight dropped theirs. Well almost everyone was shocked, Gaster saw this coming a mile away. There was a reason artificial humans were created in his original world. A grand cataclysm wiped out over 96% of the population. Leaving a few hundred million humans if that scattered around the world. Ironically, the AU they were reborn in had something similar happen, the only difference, the cause. Their underground was also undercrowded instead of over crowded. Most monsters suffering from magical infertility, so sharing partners was common. And while most if not all the Sans/Papyruses minus Lust and Hearts, thought it was unusual. For those few it was normal. Sharing is caring after all right? Finding it odd didn't stop Juno and Riel from joining though, which caused TK to act like a typical anime protag. His eye lights even turned into swirls of confusion. Gaster chuckled at this, walking up to the group carrying another picnic basket full of food. Setting it down before leaving again, which confused a bunch of them.


Everyone was looking at Blackberry aka Momma sans now, who explained he saw Gaster making an extra basket of food when Blue and Rasp were making theirs. 

Lust: "I wonder what kind of world their from for her to share."

Nightmare: "Error taught me some coding, I can check if you what."

Classic: !! Holy flip! Uuhh sorry I forgot you were here..."

Nightmare rolled their eye lights, and opened a portal to No Plates to check the code.

Revived With my Family in HandplatesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя