Chapter 5: More AUs? Enter The Dark Sanses!

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3rd Person Pov:

It had been almost a month since the No Plates' crew ended up in the second Classic AU. And while unlike the out codes they had an AU to go back to, Gaster didn't want to leave yet if it meant learning about the Multiverse. In all honestly, most of them were getting annoyed by his constant questions. But he was a Gaster, everyone knew how strong we was. Especially after Edge and Red had pissed him off. They had been fighting with each other as usual, when Gaster warned them to stop cursing in front of his children. So they started cussing more in front of them, which ended up with them in literal pieces in the back yard. Even tag teaming Gaster like they were didn't help. They even had to replace the grass in that area due to the blood stains. After that Edge and Red never cursed in front of the kids again, hell they didn't curse in the house again for a week.

After that incident though, everyone was a bit fearful of Gaster, minus his kids of course. The thing no one understood was, if he was so against cursing. Why he let his kids watch the blood bath that was the fight? Not that no one was going to ask him anytime soon. 

Gaster: "Hmm, that's interesting."

Classic: "What is?"

Gaster: "Your Frisk just saved, I wasn't aware the humans could save on the surface."

Classic: "They... can't, not that I know of. Wait, are you saying you can sense when Frisk saves?"

Gaster: "Of course I can, I would mess with Flowey every now and then when he saved before. Why can you not sense it?'

Classic: "N-no, I can only remember the Resets."

Gaster: "Hmm, pity, do want to learn how?"

Sandra: "Dad, no scarring Classic, your training is to intense for a normal Sans."

Classic: "What does she mean by that? I mean I get she's the opposite gender. But is she not a "normal" Sans?"

Gaster: "It's not like I'm teaching him combat, just to sense Saves."

Sandra: "Oh yea, like the time you only taught me to use telekinesis. Or the time you only taught Scroll to fly."

Gaster: "Touché, fine you teach him to then. If you're such a responsible skeleton."

Sandra: "WAIT WHAT, WHY ME? I have a very important schedule to keep!"

Gaster: "Napping like a flip flopping house cat is not an important schedule! I don't care if you are a Sans, my daughter will not be a Lazy bone bag~!"


Gaster: "Please you think you can out pun the master?"

(basically Gaster and Sans for the next few minutes)

After it was all said and done, Gaster won the Pun off and Sandra reluctantly went to teach Classic how to sense Saves. All in all it wasn't that hard to learn, and after Sandra took a nap, only to be sprayed with cold water by Gaster.

Gaster: "You've always had the worst sleeping habits. I don't understand why you insist in sleeping 19 hours a day."

Sandra: "Well maybe if someone made me more energetic."

Gaster: "Oh so it's my fault now is it?"

Sandra: "I... I didn't mean that... I'm sorry Dad."

Gaster sighed picking her up into a hug.

Revived With my Family in HandplatesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ