Chapter 3: Learning Magic, Experiments... And Error?

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It had been a few months since the Gaspar family had been reborn as the Gasters. In that time William had fully integrated into his role as W.D. Gaster. Sans seemed to be having the hardest time adjusting to the change, she mostly missed her hair which amused Gaster to no end. Papyrus was having the most fun out of the three for the most part, though he couldn't beat his dad's excitement to learn everything about the laws of this new universe. After his children mastered moving around in their new forms, Gaster started making plans to teach them magic. He had also found a few interesting things that the old Gaster left around. And while he would never do anything to hurt his children, he never said he wouldn't do any experiments.

But first, he wanted to try a few things out on himself. He had to make sure they were safe enough to use on children after all. And there was no way he would make the same dumb mistakes his counterparts did. It was brutally obvious that this was supposed to be a Hand Plates universe. Thankfully for him, his children got him interested in the series before they died and he was pretty caught up on it. He knew most of the mistakes the other Gaster made and was sure he could avoid them. So he started the long road of trail and error, which caused a few problems but was otherwise fine. Asgore noticed Gaster had started to stretch himself to thin again, so he offered to babysit the children every now and then to help out. Of course Gaster excepted the offer, any little bit of help was important. And it seemed to help Asgore's over all mood to have kids roaming around his house again. 

After staying with Asgore for a week straight, Sans and Papyrus were starting to get worried. Did their dad fall into the core?! No, no that couldn't be the issue, everyone still remembered him. So what was going on? Once Gaster picked them out the next day, he took them to the lab they were made in.

Gaster: "I don't know if you noticed, but I can see out of my right eye again. I was finally able to isolate and enhance the lift over healing magic this vessel had."


Papyrus: "What would have happened if you dusted yourself?"

Gaster: "Hmm, then I guess Asgore would have to rise you for a bit till you moved out."

Sans: "Dad please, we're being serious."

Gaster: "You act like I didn't do this in our past lives."

Papyrus: "YOU DID?!"

Gaster: "Whoops I guess I forgot to tell you. Anyway, I brought you both here to enhance your abilities like I did mine."

Sans: "... I get this is a Hand Plates AU but, are you really going to experiment on your kids?"

Gaster: "Of course I am, I spent all week making sure it was safe enough. Plus you two are much hardier than any other Sans or Papyrus, we'll be fine."

The two skeletodders looked at each other thinking the same thing. Here we go again, mentally sighing they just decided to go with it. The experiments themselves weren't all that bad, it was the aftermath that sucked. Their bodies had to adjust to the new magic they were given, which caused mild fevers and fatigue. After a few more months all three of them were as Gaster called it "Enhanced Monsters". It was a lot better than they thought it was going to be, the experiments didn't even leave any scars. Everything was going good until a certain Flower decided to try playing with them. If Flowey knew how bad the normal Sans was, he would have thought twice about pissing off Gaster. Unfortunately, Flowey learned his mistake the very hard way when he decided to dust his kids in front of him. 

To call the fight one sided would have been an understatement, Gaster memories plus William's skillset added up to a very deadly combo. All in all Flowey died over 400 times before he finally gave up, and reset to before he killed Gaster's brats. He was sure they'd forget after the reset, but Gaster so kindly informed him that it wasn't the case. Killing Flowey every time he saw him for the next week. After that Flowey never even tried to dust anyone, he was truly traumatized over Gaster's wrath. Flowey didn't even know he could still feel traumatized or fear until that. After that, Papyrus did his best to befriend Flowey, saying he thought maybe he could brighten his day a bit. After that Gaster decided to teach his kids about magic. In the most brutal draconian training he could, though this was nothing new. He did that in their past lives too, after a failed kidnapping, he wanted to make sure that didn't happen again. 

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