It's Over - 1

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Lime stood there, rubbing the back of her head.

"E-ex girlfriend..?"

"You really think I would still be with you after I see you tonguing down someone I thought was my friend?! What was even running through your mind?!"

I was starting to cry now. Out of my entire time spent being with Lime, I didn't think she would cheat.

"I-She was just there comforting me, and she was trying to calm me down and I guess it was the heat of the moment and I kissed her and, it just happened."

Shiromi was standing behind me, absolutely speechless.

"Out of all things, I didn't think you'd cheat Raimu...I thought we were better than that, I thought YOU were better than that...And I was really wrong about you...I didn't want to be wrong, I really didn't but I guess this was what I got in return for giving you a year of loyalty huh?"

Lime stayed silent.

"I'm sorry Daishi..."

"No you're not dude. This is why I didn't do relationships for so long. I gave my heart to you! thank god we didn't go to the next level of our relationship, 'cause now I know who you are! You hurt people..."

I walked past Shiromi and the rest of the delinquent gang followed by Mayako, Hanako and Miasaka. I ran to the girl's bathroom and cried my eyes out. I should've listened to when everyone said that first time relationships never work. I should've never given such an interest in the student council, I couldn't tell if this was because of me or just 'cause she was trying to get back at me. I was lost for words. I just didn't know what more to do. The relationship between Raimu and I was clearly over, and now I know her true colors. And I thought Tiru was my friend? Why would she betray me like that?

Shiromi and Mayako ran into the bathroom to check on me, seeing me wiping my tears in the mirror.

"I would love to stay but, I have to head to class sis, I'm really sorry..."

I nodded my head, understanding and giving her a tight hug before she went on her way.

Shiromi stepped up to me and pulled me into her arms, hugging me tightly. I buried my face into her scarf and just cried it all out. She let me stay there for as long as I needed to until I let go and smiled at her. She smiled back and wiped my tears.

"Hey, how about you go to the student council room, tell them I sent you. I'm going to finish my rounds and come up there and we can eat something, and maybe they can get some tea from the cooking club to cool you down okay?"

I nodded, wiping my face and hugging her tightly.

Shiromi then smiled at me widely, walking me up to the student council room before heading off to do her rounds. Aoi, Akane and Kuroko all looked at me with instant concern. Urging me to come in and sit down.

"What's wrong dear?! Your eyes are so puffy!" Akane asked, sitting me down and closing the doors.

I sniffled and told them all everything that happened and they comforted me. Kukoro went to the cooking club to ask Amai to bring up some herbal tea. I thanked her as she came back up with the tea. Akane and Aoi hugged me while Kukoro sat and held my hands, telling me that it was going to be okay.

"I'm just more so confused on why Tiru did me like that. I was always so nice to her. We talked more than anyone else in that group aside from Akari."

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